14 Replies
@Gyro Gearloose
Note for OP
+solved @user1 @user2...
to close the thread when your doubt is solved. Mention the users who helped you solve the doubt. This will be added to their stats.Effective length of circular loop across A and C is l. Now complete the loop ABC and place a wire carrying same current in direction of AC. This is equivalent to wire carrying entirety of current in direction of AC.
i knew that weird shapes could be resolved by converting them into a straight wire, i didn't know about entire loops
This is not a complete loop tho na
Just combination of two half loops.
wait i cant understand
yes effective length btw AC is L
but wont we see for the whole loop
eff L for loop = 0
what diffrence does that make
it is also not mentioned there two half loops

Loop means current goes in a "snake biting its own tail" way, that's not what happens here
its showing here that current is coming out in the bottom wire thats why current will pass through both loops and that means its not complete loop

is that right?
Ye. Basically they are 2 different incomplete loops.
ok got it thx
+solved @SirLancelotDuLac
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