23 Replies
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trans ki melting point is more
whats the problem
in that que
B is wrong
shuld be correct right
A is cis B is trans
A doesn't have higher MP
it says it does
so false hoga
wait fuck im stupid
also yaha rearrangment hoga right

hona to chahiye
alr he said in some books it include rearrangment and some ppl in the comments were justifying it
Rearrangement to hoga hi
" it is neighbouring group participation reaction SNGP "
no idea
sarthak says no rearrangment asw
Sngp mein carbocation kaise bangaya?
wo to single step reaction hoti hai?
ive nevr heard of sngp
but here is the queston
PW Solutions
Que The final product A formed in the following reaction se...
Que The final product A formed in the following reaction sequence is
iv mathrm Mg ether then mathrm HCHO mathrm H 3 mathrm O
Option B c mathrm Ph mathrm CH 2 mathrm CH 2 mathrm CH 2 mathrm OH
D mathrm Ph mathrm CH 2 mathrm CH 2 mathrm CH 3📲PW App Link - https://bit.l...
Option B c mathrm Ph mathrm CH 2 mathrm CH 2 mathrm CH 2 mathrm OH
D mathrm Ph mathrm CH 2 mathrm CH 2 mathrm CH 3📲PW App Link - https://bit.l...
Two step, just no intermediate formation.

does this concept usually come in mains?
yeah I mean Protonation and Nucleophile attack na
to i was referring to the nucleophile attack as a single step
ohhhh its that question
its 4 na?
Phenyl does take part in NGP but it is rare as it causes temporary loss of aromaticity
So it has to be decided experimentally
they asked on this mam
+solved @Dexter @Opt
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