Seeking help
hi i was wondering if anyone is available to maybe help me out with my own style of clothing and whatnot?
currently im a senior in highschool and i would like to level up my game in terms of look sbefore i get into college
ive never been confident in how i look and i know i have much to improve in termms of facially/gym but i would like to level up my clothing game as well
i dont think i dress like bad right now but it can defintely be better especially at school
currently i wear cargos a lot they taper off like joggers near the ankle though - i normally just wear a ton of stuff from h&m so like ill wear black pants black hoodie white shirt - or like some common stuff but a lot of people around me just do what i aim like a lot better almost and i dont want to get left behind
i would really love tips on my own facial attractiveness (including wtf i do with my hair lmfao), my style and stuff like ive mentioned here, and some for gym (aiming to go for like a functional yet aesthetic physique i like the stuff mario rios says a lot)
if you could message me in dms id really appreciate it or here anythings fine w/me just ping me if you know anything that could help me i really want to get better and im just so done being insecure about myself, and look a lot better to myself and those around me - if i dont make a change now idk if i ever will
i would rather talk in dms but if you can ping me and let me know id really really appreciate it
tysm for reading this and lmk
26 Replies
Could you send some outfits you enjoy (yours/others)
if anyone else wants to lmk i normally have discord muted so a ping would be nice lol
keep it here or not at all
do not dm people
if they consent is that fine then? i dont see why you would be able to have jurisdiction over an independent dm (if allowed by other party)
It's more efficient in public tbh
mainly im trying to dress like those guys on instagram lol i erallly like reubsfits some of those asian guys like yuji i forgot his name
i like a llot of korean fashion it looks kinda cool and not overly flashy a bit more smoothed to my taste (almost like what those manwha mcs wear lmao)
yungalyy is pretty cool too
wisdm is amazing but the stuff he wears is just way too crazy for the setting ill be in (school/academic or sometimes public events or parties/gatherings
janak chohan is how i want to look like kinda)
jgao1999 kinda cool?
i think ffits4 on ig sums most of it up pretty well the fits i want to wear coupled with some of the most relaxed aesthetics - stussy does it great but so expensive
idk if what im trying to reference makes any sense at all but i hope my general inteerst can be seen from that
US / Budget?
ye im us and my budget is like 500 maybe - do i need more or is this good enough i also wanted to see if panda dunks were the move currently i have a pair of white air max 97s but they kinda thin and i also have gray converse but they make me kinda short lmfao im like 5 8, 5 9 with shoes maybe 9.5 idk
Don't think so
Secondhand will be good mileage though
Do you think you can narrow down on the stuff you like
Like the color or silhouette or a certain garment
i would prefer to buy non second hand items first and then the second hand ones for the more intricaate or stuff thats lowkey too expensive
like the base stuff new and for the other ones secondhand etc
But off the top of my head Abercrombie tends to follow the trend imo and has the things you like
i really like the fits on the page ffits4
and this guy on instagram named janak chohan
idk how those two aesthetics would be
I'm on mobile rn so it's a bit hard to look atm
rn i wear like white undershirts all the time and like black pants with hoodies or sweaters and i like it i think it looks good but iwant to take that as a part of my wardrobe and upgrade everything in it to the next level while kinda combining all this stuff idk
also what do i do for shoes/facial aesthetics
for colors/sihoutte not too sure how to describe that but im brown lmao
not a deep brown a slightly lighter one
I think shoes are subjective and up to you
Fitness/grooming would make a blanket statement and say being consistent will get you most of the way there
I would send some of your own fits though
As like a reference point
Crop your face out or whatever makes you comfortable
But also don't worry abt skin color
I see a lot of wide pants! Is that something that you have/would want to try
i would like to try but my parents fking hate them LMAO
I mean my parents say stuff but they're not really gonna stop me
theres an h&m near where i live but idk that many other good clothing stores?
Are you familiar w/ Abercrombie
ive seen them before
i never really knew they had these kind of lcothes though
Yeah maybe just take a poke at their website
I can look closer when I'm on desktop
i always saw them as like an elementary school shirt fit brand
I mean HnM might have baggy stuff but I don't shop there
They changed a lot
i dont want always baggy stuff though yk i want it to be part of like a rotation
kinda like the other aesthetic i described
I think I'd just try to look for baggier stuff / layering but I can only speak for my own opinion
I think I'd just try to look for baggier stuff / layering but I can only speak for my own opinion
egg is giving you good suggestions and actionable items but one thing i will say is you're 17/18 at this point, an age where you're still developing as a person (mentally, probably physically, socially)
be kind to yourself, do things that make you feel good about yourself and try not to compare yourself to others - nobody's perfect, you never know what someone's going through, and you can't predict the future to know how you'll change and grow
cos/arket/muji/urban outfitters will have some of the things you've described iirc