34 Replies
What do you need help with
gpu settings for amd ryzen i think
what should i set the stuff to
i have nvidia
Cool cool
Hope you figure it out
oh it sais AMD
freesync amd works wit nvida
but what should i set everything to?
Is this CPU or GPU Settings or what
monitor settings
Like should i use overdrive? should i use amd freesync or VRB or neither?
ok i have a standard monitor but amd free sync premium sounds like a good thing to turn on
overdrive is basically the ghosting on your monitor
what's the highest setting on overdrive
put it on extreme
go into the range
fuck around with your mouse
see if u notice smearing or anything
like that
and the latency
id have freesync on
and should i use freesync or the other thing?
and vrb I have no clue what that does
@brock put vrb on
do the same thing u did with overdrive
i cant use vrb and freesync at the same time
is vrb like
worse in image quakity
do u notice a diff
does it bother u
id leave vrb on
and not freesync
screen is alot darker
thats pretty muvh it
does that bother u?
yeah leave it on then
extreme overdrive if it doesn't bother you, and vrb on
other settings are pointless apart from the latency thingy u already had on
how about this?

turbo is hella loud
but should i just keep it?
wtf is this
is that your fans?
ya it is
leave it on a lower setting your temps are fine
even 40 Celsius on idle is fine
u cna use any setting realistically
its your decision
whether u want quiietness or like
low temps
up to you
if u cant hear them with your headphones on
id leave it on turbo lowkey