
went afk in swiftplay for one round cuz i went to grab my water..

As i already said i went afk for one round in swiftplay. I was a match MVP from the start. I aced the first two rounds and then I decided that it would be alr if i just go afk for half a round and bring my water and come back to finish the game. As I was coming back I saw myself getting dced from the game as it was a connection error. I sat behind my computer and found out I got banned for a year. The following week I went on support and asked what happened.. I asked If I said something that was really uneccaptable or something idk I just wanted to know. After like a week reaching to the support I got a respond saying I got banned cuz I was afking and I was trying to grief my teammates game.. My account was worth around 600euro and just becuase I got up and went for my drink I get a year ban?? What is this ban system. I also finished as a MVP after the game if anyone is wondering:)
6 Replies
chaara-dev2mo ago
riot doesn't ban people for longer than a few minutes if it's your only afk or offence of that sort. the punishments get greater and greater the more you do it so likely that was not the first time you went afk or something
tmkoOP2mo ago
the day i got banned was the day i got unbanned i got unbanned after a month and then instantly after a first game i got banned for a year and i dont really think i was afking that much before i know how it feels getting my games griefed and stuff so i wouldnt do any of these things if it was in competetive or if i was losing really bad
chaara-dev2mo ago
well if you already brought it up to support and they said no, guess you gotta start waiting :shrug:
Metamorphosis2mo ago
You went afk immediately after getting unbanned :val_PepeShrug:
tmkoOP2mo ago
i alr waited around 11 and a 1/3 of a month so i dont really care if something changes now w my ban but i just wanted to share my experience
Jidat2mo ago
U got a 1 year ban cuz u had just been unbanned from a 1 month one The amount of time for which u get banned for afks decreases the more u play without going afk at all But u prob went afk in like the first 3 or so matches after getting unbanned Hence the 1 year ban

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