Valorant is not getting open
Using Intel Arc A750 Graphic card, and since past 1 month am not able to launch Valorant, its coming for few seconds in task manager and gets disappear. Have clean installed multiple times in windows 11. But did not worked.
10 Replies
Yo did you fix it bc my riot also wont open
Omg sameeee
Same valorant is stuck on the startup screen
If you get it fixet pls tell me i hate it
When u open it press on alt + enter it worked for meeeee i tried everything but nothing worked except thisss. Try closing and opening it many times while doing this till it works.
okay i will try later today
Did you get your riot client to launch?
i have not tried it yet
Lmk if it works. And btw im talking ab valorant itself not riot. If valorant works but gets stuck in the loading screen try this method
its riot that wont open
Oh ion really know try searching on YouTube and reading ppls comments