TPM issues
whenever i launch it just says tpm not initialized, this has been happening ever since i got a new cpu.
9 Replies
i clicked 'prepare the tpm' im gonan see if this works
it seems to be working now im gonna see if i get kicked out like i used to
Pls take a ss of the error if you get any and show
seems theres nothing wrong w your config, i wonder whats wrong
it seems to be working now, i sent the screenshot and saw that it said tpm not ready for use and i clicked prepare
idk how i didnt see that for so long
I'm so used to seeing this problem on other servers that I looked straight at the TPM version without even considering whether it was on or not
is it a normal thing to have to reconfigure tpm when upgrading cpus?
to be fair i havent rly been troubleshooting i just kinda left it
got no idea, I didn't need to configure mine
well i'll wait to see if i still get kicked from the games like i used to but otherwise litterally looking at the screenshot helped me