Using only areas template areas with z index
Good day
Please how can I using grid template areas with z index
Please how can I using grid template areas with z index

8 Replies
Please forget about the three box and fourth box how can I archive that will only grid template areas
Plz 🙏 🙏
almost certain that you can not do it with
but you can use the grid-template-columns
and grid-template-rows
where you define the gridlines
Chris has figured out a way to overlap with grid ares.
If I remember correctly it's by giving the start and end a different area name.
I'm on mobile or would test a codepen, the workaround is something similar to this though
I personally prefer named grid-lines but since grid template areas was specifically inquired about...
As @clevermissfox has mentioned, it is possible with grid areas.
Here is a demo based on your image.
At the end of the day grid areas and grid lines are basically the same thing so just use which ever method is simpler to use in each use case.