34 Replies
gift card have countries mention where it can be used and where it cant be
check the info on website
if its global it can be used anyhwere still some are restricted
do you know a good website i can buy one from
coz im worried of being scammed
It doesn't have valorant giftcards for south Africa
i havent seen val cards listed for SA
so im wondering what cards can i use
check amazon?
Tbh a card from any country in the eu region should work
Cuz south Africa does come in eu servers
you sure?
Eh not 100%
U will best find an answer in
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
what servers u get in ur game
Eu probably
well then they can buy a eu card and it should work
yet again just ask from support to be sure

on this card

under countries available in
amazon takes me here
check the available countries link

south africa isnt listed here
does amazon work for you tho?
like as in general shopping
im on amazon uk rn
if not or if u dont know just ask support they will give u the correct answer
if its not listed there it wont work
honestly ima ask someone to log into my acc and buy it then ill paypal them the money
this is against riots ToS and will eventually get your account locked
nvm 😔
dont you have paypal as payment method in valorant?
yeah it is but i have the money in my paypal balance not my card and it only wants to use money from my card
:hm: get the money from pp to card then
also, if i remember correctly, you should be able to check the box that says "use paypal money first" (if you selected paypal as payment method)
I Have it checked but valorant insists i use card
i cant select paypal