installing unityhub in ubuntu distrobox complains about apparmor 2.4 compat patch
Trying to set up a Unity + Rider distrobox, nothing too fancy. Had a previous setup that was a bit messy using:
* the unity hub flatpak on the host,
* jetbrains toolbox appimage on the host, but would launch rider through a fedora container that had access to the host homedir,
* dotnet installed as a package on the fedora container,
it worked, but unity could not connect to the rider debugger, which i assume because they weren't launching from the same host
so i scrapped all of it, and now:
* ran
ujust assemble
to get an ubuntu box going
* tried to install the unity hub as a apt package
now it complains about AppArmor and i'm not sure how to troubleshoot it
thanks nerds1 Reply
i used ubuntu-toolbox:latest from quay to make the box
just tried it with a debian-toolbox:unstable box instead and got a different error:
found the issue: switched to using
instead and that one lets me through
i did have another roadblock with jetbrains toolbox that would not run because fuse wasn't installed (and couldn't manage to install fuse), so i went with the rider tarball instead, a bit annoying
now unity and rider boots and the debugger works, but my unity editor is weirdly blurry, which wasn't the case when i was running it off the hub flatpak