I can’t decide whether I get ASUS PG27AQDP 27inch 480hz 2k(1440p) or ASUS PG248QP 24inch 540hz FHD(1080p). I mainly play competitive shooter games like valo overwatch and marvel rivals on high ranks. But I may from time to time play normal games that doesn’t need 540hz and might need better picture quality. The problem is that I fear that 27inch would be a bit too big for games like valo that requires smaller monitor to have insight if every bit of the monitor without moving my head. If I get the 540hz FHD, what second monitor do you recommend for playing story games and watching movies on high hz and on 4k QD-OLED that is not pricy.
23 Replies
😭 what do you need 480 or 540 hz for
Better gaming experience since I have a high budget
@jidat opinions?
1440p 480hz
Keep in mind its a 27 inch monitor bigger than the regular 24 inch that is used in high ranks in valo
U just want it for valo?
Maybe find a monitor that is 1440p and 24 inch and 480 hz?
There isn’t…. 27 inch is large to be suitable for 1440p

it exists tho
Hey @DmG , I had your same """problem""", I've bought a 540hz TN asus monitor, tried it for a week and asked for a refund and bought the 480Hz OLED which I'm using rn
I was wondering if upgrading from 24inch to 27 would be a problem but the different isin't huge if your desk is not to little.
In terms of performance you cannot notice any real difference betwheen 480 and 540, but in term of color and pixel quality, the 480 oled makes the difference
May I ask if u r a casual player or a competitive player?
mostly competitive
High rank player?
? This is a 27 inch lol
if your biggest fear is that the 27inch is too big for valorant and you're used to play on 24, there's an option on the monitor that shrinks the edges and makes the res 24inch
immo3 last season
Yea I saw it but I didn’t like it :val_Hampter:
im grinding theese seansons acctl im asc2

Thanks for your advice I appreciate it
yeah its not elegant but as I said, the difference is not as big as you think
U told me that 24 with 2k exists but what u showed me is 27 inch with 2k which I am already talking about
So it doesn’t
wait you mean 27" makes it suitable for 1440? i fear there was a misunderstanding