Problems dual booting with oneXfly F1 pro

I've followed the video and also the error checking video. When I get up to selecting System EFI Partition/boot/EFI 300mib The screenshotted error is what I get (Apologies if I've posted this before) This is after a fresh windows install too video
Mike's Tech Tips
How to dual-boot Windows 11 and Bazzite (new version)
Bazzite has changed quite a bit in the 10 months since I first used it. This is an updated version of my previous Bazzite dual boot guide. Note: If you have an AZERTY layout for your keyboard, when you get to the MOK screen, you'll need to enter universqlblue rather than universalblue. Same goes for any other keyboard layout where the letters a...
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16 Replies
Skitt21499β€’2mo ago
Theres must be an issues with installing bazzite as its the same with the allyx Hopefully the devs will look into it 🀷🏻
HikariKnightβ€’2mo ago
almost 100% of the issues installing is caused by windows and of course anaconda installer being shit neither we can fix and its why we dont really support dual boot on the same drive because of windows mucking things up for the installer usually. i dont use windows so i am of no help here other than the usual "make sure bitlocker is turned off completely and fast boot in windows is disabled" installing bazzite normally on its own disk works fine
Skitt21499β€’2mo ago
Its weird how you can dual boot upto 4tb ssd bit when you try to do ot on 8tb you get the errors
HikariKnightβ€’2mo ago
Anaconda is picky and often want a 50/50 split or damn near that
Skitt21499β€’2mo ago
Okay so its got to be 50/50 to the closest so if 35675/35674 thats an expamle ?
HikariKnightβ€’2mo ago
yep we have had situations where anaconda spits out random errors if you dont give it close to 50% of the space for linux there is a reason we the devs here dislike anaconda too πŸ˜…
Skitt21499β€’2mo ago
Okay i look at that
HikariKnightβ€’2mo ago
we are hoping that when they finally move over to the anaconda web ui we can get some better control over it
Skitt21499β€’2mo ago
Did this and it still has the errors , guess a 8tb hard drive just doesnt work
HikariKnightβ€’2mo ago
Only other thing I can think of is make sure the partition table is gpt not mbr
Skitt21499β€’2mo ago
Manage to get it all working a different way , 500gb windows 500gb Bazzite and the rest 7tb using both Win win πŸ˜„
Rhan121OPβ€’4w ago
What was the fix for 4tb? I had bazzite installed using GPT but had the error checking storage configuration message I mentioned at the top
HikariKnightβ€’4w ago
dumb anaconda limit with crap error
Rhan121OPβ€’4w ago
Soo is there anything I can do to fix it?
HikariKnightβ€’4w ago
i dont remember
Rhan121OPβ€’3w ago
Managed to fix it by doing fresh install and partitioning within the windows partition on install install of iso

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