12 Replies
can you give any more information? where'd you find the pic, that's a good place to start. have you tried rotating it and using google lens?
actually nvm i found them
they're from the brand Brooklyn Xpress
Found this on Depop using google lens, they're listed as "Men's Navy Shorts".

ok yes
dis my pic just took on floor
they look grey here but they r like olive green
cant find a good shirt for it
Ohhhh I thought you were looking for the jeans sorry.
lol u good
trying to find a top for them
they r mad nice just a hard color to style
Olive is pretty neutral, do you have any style inspiration you can share? You could do something as simple as a black or white tshirt (maybe baggy, kinda cropped to fit the trend)
What is your general style, and what kind of shirts do you normally like to wear?
Definitely a couple ways to style these, like @ler mentioned you could do a baggy or cropped tee, or you could also try an oversized short-sleeve button-up with a graphic print like these examples from Valentino or Prada (there are definitely cheaper options available from eg. Zara, or you could scope a thrift store and I'm sure you'll find something). Could also try a simple white tank for a slim top/chunky bottom type of look.
As far as colors go, here's a color chart that I think outlines some great combos with olive. I especially like how olive pairs with gold or cream, or with a blush/coral type of color. Some teals work well with olive too.
Just my 2 cents!

gonna disagree with this on a few levels
first of all these shirts are pretty hard to style (imo theyre ugly but maybe someone could make it go) and im not sure id want to wear them with jorts and i definitely wouldnt default to it
second aside from color theory being fake im pretty sure those jorts are blue not green theyre just lit funny
and so that color chart/color related stuff wouldnt work
They're not exactly my style either, but graphic button up on jorts is definitely a thing. I'm just giving the man some options 😛
OP said the shorts are olive colored
i think the cropped tee advice was good and big tee plus cropped outerlayer is also a combo that i see frequently with jorts
ah youre right about the olive i missed that message
OK here's some additional baggy jean short fitspo hopefully illustrating a few different directions you could go here

tysm guys. yes they look blue but are olive and it was hard for me to find a good color + style top but now i got a good idea. ty all