Riot WTF I just got suspended for no reason
Bro riot just banned me for no reason saying I was letting someone else use my account?!?! WTF nobody but me uses my account an I kept getting disconnected in game

17 Replies
WTF is this
Nobody has access to my account but me
Why did I get banned?
Reinstall Vanguard
Nah it’s working now
it didn't launch correctly on your last session
It says suspended til 1:46
It did tho
I’m loading val rn
well yes, but not before that
It’s crashed me several times
I had to relaunch an restart so many times
You have to reinstall it to avoid that from happening further
Ping was fkn me up
How do I reinstall vanguard?
one moment
i'll link you the guide
I thought it only comes wit Val
I’m try an run a comp match again to see if it’s gonna work but link me it ima redownload it
Uninstalling and Disabling Riot Vanguard
Perhaps you need to disable Vanguard to run a particular program, or maybe you've decided to hang up your weapons and bow out of VALORANT. It's important to know how to both turn off Vanguard and u...
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