Shubham - Hi team , one of the customer have em...
Hi team , one of the customer have embedded few reports. and they are using trusted authentication with JIT provisioning. One of the user when logging in trying to open report but sees blank reports, no data accessible. above is the code screenshot from customer, The report is shared with Platform Parent Company group but that is not passed in above group identifiers, not sure if this can cause the issue. I have the access to their app , can someone can help here , so please let me know if you need to check anything from app backend. Thank you.
8 Replies
If report is just shared with Platform Parent Company group, it should not even open. What is the reason of not giving this group in the tokenBody
From reading it might be a data issue, where the user does not have access to the data, can they try to access report through a user giving the group_identifiers as given in code. That should tell them what is the issue.
I see that the liveboard is shared with this customer Id group. So as you said liveboard access is not the issue.
They have applied RLS here at the group level . But when I check the report for the same user logging in cluster, he can see his data, so RLS works fine , but when the same user logs in to embed , he sees the blank liveboard.
And even if we remove RLS rule for this worksheet , still it's not showing any data in embed.
So I think sharing of the liveboard with user and RLS is not the issue.
Is there a chance that these user and groups may not be mapping to thoughtspot groups for this user and that's why he doesn't have access to data?
Yes it might be that user and groups are not mapping to TS groups
IS this just happening for one user?
Yes for few other user it was opening but not for this one
This image might be useful for you to understand structure here
In the above chart user from group A or B are able to see their data correctly, but not the parent user even if no RLS
This looks like a data modeling problem than an embed one, can you create a support ticket for this?
No worries , this has been resolved . Actually customer has applied some unencessary runtime filter by mistake.
Thank you so much for all the help!!