#Fishing and Loot tables

Game er loot table datapack dia modify kora jai #Fishing: EMF e fishing kore clutter beshi hoi… useful item pawa jai na claim block Sara. Tai emf bad dia datapack dia fishing loot table change kore valo item dea jete pare. Claim block o dea jete pare…. Just make fishing useful. #Wandering trader: We all know he is a trash merchant. So changing the loot table would make it a bit more exciting to find one. #dungeon: The loots can be improved. Also, I have a separate suggestion on the dungeon topic. and always use chatgpt😎
3 Replies
Udoyy2mo ago
datapack server side e use na korai better as minecraft emniteo every update e lots of datapack related changes antese and internal command gulao modify kortese tai production server e datapack use kora risky ekbar main server file er sathe inject hooye gele ,pore datapack remove koreo lavh hoi nah Instead of suggesting to change the normal loot table, you can suggest to improve the EMF fishing useful ito like vanilla fishing emniteo useful op resources pawa jai fishing kore to toggle between vanilla and custom fishing you can type /emf toggle custom fish eo lavh ase like oigula sell kora jai both money and claimblock diye
Safayat Ibrahim
Safayat IbrahimOP2mo ago
really low chance of getting diamonds and some exclusive stuff would be nice too though :> datapack e use korte hobe ta na.. mods and plugins are available... where the is a problem there are many solutions
Udoyy2mo ago
players can do things like afk fishing Final response on these - EMF Should not be removed, EMF er competitions improve kora hoite pare (low priority) - The vanilla fishing is still overpowered, you can toggle it using /emf toggle - Merchant loot can be improved, will be improved in future, first i have to learn how can i change the merchant trades more efficiently then i might try to improve them (low priority) @Safayat Ibrahim anything else?

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