how can i talk to a dev
and please dont say a support ticket they havent got back to me in the past 4 days with one. and ive made 2
6 Replies
depends what you need
support ticket
and patience
The devs here will tell you to go through support regarding any issues you’re having with the game or with your account. @Riot Schmick is good about answering general inquiries but can’t offer support regarding technical,account or in-game issues. You’ll have to submit a ticket with Riot support if you’re experiencing any of the above problems.
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
ticket response time depends on how many tickets are ahead of yours. could be hours, could be days. tickets are responded to in first come, first served order. we get thousands of them a day.
but as cloohy said, talking to a dev won't actually help you. we don't have access to do the majority of the things support does
reset ur pc