99% got scammed...

~5th time buying on grailed, seller asked to move to IG to avoid the grailed fees which seemed sensible. used paypal goods & services and made payment, seller says hes gonna wait a few days before sending boots over. in the mean time i have a friend message seller on IG and ask about the boots, he said theyre still available so im pretty damn sure im cooked. should i wait until thursday(day i supposedly get a tracking number) and file a claim via paypal? dont wanna fuck myself over, thanks everyone!
5 Replies
File a claim now and never buy off IG unless it’s someone you know personally If a stranger asks you to move off Grailed or eBay or some other auction site, dont
Scott (stupid)
Scott (stupid)2mo ago
Sometimes they simply do want to avoid fees, but personally I’m not willing to risk it with strangers
I absolutely want to avoid fees but even if I’m selling I will not sell via DM unless I have some level of trust built
Pepto Abysmal
Pepto AbysmalOP2mo ago
lesson learned.
thanks a lot everyone!!
🤞 i get my money back
Spuck2mo ago
Any time anyone asks you to go offsite, assume its a scam

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