cloudflare worker custom route dns update not propagating
Hi, I added a new worker and added a custom domain for it but seems like it is not propagating at all (the dns change).
This is my worker route

9 Replies

Also created a community post as well
;; QUESTION SECTION: ; IN A ;; ANSWER SECTION: 300 IN A 300 IN A assume just dns cache/visited it too early
It has been too long now, easily more than an hour @Chaika
ISP DNS's sometimes ignore TTLs and will cache records for days
You still don't see it/can't connect or something? it's definitely distributed
DNS Checker
DNS Checker - DNS Check Propagation Tool
Check DNS Propagation worldwide. DNS Checker provides name server propagation check instantly. Changed nameservers so do a DNS lookup and check if DNS and nameservers have propagated.
Yes, I cannot connect it, to bypass isp dns cache I used a south asian ip as well but same issue.
So, I have a question when a custom worker route is used and in cf dns settings say "worker" in the record type then when checking the propagation most fo the websites only show generic record type and this "worker" record type is specific to cf only, how to check in that case whether the dns is propagated or not?
Yes, I cannot connect it, to bypass isp dns cache I used a south asian ip as well but same issue.Try switching your local device to / / and then clearing local dns cache? Browsers like Firefox and Chrome also have built in DNS over HTTPS nowadays
So, I have a question when a custom worker route is used and in cf dns settings say "worker" in the record type then when checking the propagation most fo the websites only show generic record type and this "worker" record type is specific to cf only, how to check in that case whether the dns is propagated or not?Proxied's always going to show as an
as well as AAAA
records if you have IPv6 enabledI just checked again, seems like I am getting an answer now with nslookup.
thank you for the help @Chaika