Workers Routes keep disappearing
I have both set http routes up from my wrangler config and from the dashboard, and after a few hours the configuration disappears. Can someone explain why this happens?
6 Replies
Routes won't disappear randomly. You shouldn't be setting them in the dash if you're using wrangler, keep everything in the wrangler.toml
If you define in the dash and then deploy with wrangler, wrangler will overwrite with the ones it knows about
I tried with two separate projects. Both worked initially.
The first I created a worker from the dashboard, replacing the hello world script with my own, then defining the http routes.
The second was a different project, deployed using wrangler and it too showed correctly in the dashboard, but both configurations disappeared after an hour ish
got an account id + worker name?
very simple worker, so i dont think it should overwrite the routes
I don't see a route active or deleted for that Worker
Ah, sorry I created a new one. I’ll set the route, and let you know when it disappears again.
It disappeared again.