recover bootloader
i have left over some free space during installation for a later windows install. if i install windows after bazzite i destroy the bootloader right? is there a guide to reconstruct it to later use dualboot? How dos that work?
23 Replies
copy the files from the efi partition to a usb and put them back after install would be my best suggestion
but we heavily discourage doing what youre doing
windows will break the bootloader in the future
we recommend 2 efi partitions, 1 for windows and 1 for bazzite if you have to use a single disk
our absolute recommendation is install windows and bazzite to separate disks, and disconnect the bazzite disk when installing windows so it cannot see the bazzite efi and mess with it
Ok. The Dual Boot Guide says i could install windows first on one drive and than bazzite on the other one. Is this viable?
yes but my recommendation is to just disconnect the other OS drive while installing so that you have 0 chance of the installer messing with the other disk
i cant do that easy unfortunately because the ssd is blocked by the GPU, i need to remove the GPU to remove the SSD and i have fear to break soemthing
i dont understand this part, why or how will windows break my bootloader in the future?
windows update, will at times just destroy the linux bootloader if it is on the same EFI partition as windows own bootloader
ah ok i did not know that!
and bios updates will also sometimes change the default boot order and also reset the bios so you need to re-enroll the ublue secure boot keys
and windows update can apply bios updates without you knowing
i dont use secure boot
it a stationary classic gaming desktop
im just mentioning it since this is issues people come with all the time
"i booted windows and bazzite is now gone!" stuff like that
yes im thankful you are helping me
and its always windows update nuking the bootloader or a bios update setting windows as the default boot
so how can i make sure to have 2 efi partitions? sure i could remove one ssd and install every system with only one ssd installed at the time but that is not easy and very uncomfortable because i need to remove the GPU
read our documentation
literally laid out there
the dual boot part?
manual partitioning
so i have read it. i want to have a seperate partition for the only the games. how is that possible? that partition should be accessible if i every uninstall bazzite and use another linux distro so i can than reuse it as steam library without downloading the games again.
Mike's Tech Tips
How to set up a shared btrfs partition for sharing games between Wi...
In this video we'll be looking at how to create a shared btrfs partition for
sharing our Steam game library between Bazzite and Windows.
00:00 Introduction
00:48 Creating our shared btrfs partition in GParted
01:40 Installing WinBtrfs
02:32 WinBtrfs Secure Boot work around
03:16 WinBtrfs permission configuration
05:10 Hiding your Baz...
is it correct that i have 4 bazzite entrys in the grub after a fresh install & update, 2 mentioning ostree 0 and 2 mentioning ostree1. how can or should i remove some?
its 2 entries for modern grub and 2 legacy entries essentially
ostree 0 = current update
ostree 1 = previous update
ostree 2+ = manual pinned updates done by you
very nice ok thank you again. do this previously updates take up storage space?
only the difference from 0 and 1 iirc plus some space n the