Fails to boot into installation utility

I've got Bazzite installed onto a bootable USB drive, and when I attempt to boot into the installer I get a strange error and the utility fails. Was doing research to see if this is a common error, but I can't find anything on it. Wanted to see if someone is familiar with this and knows how to fix it?
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28 Replies
CheckYourFax•2mo ago
Have you tried reflashing the USB? Or better to ask: what are the things you already tried to fix it?
sonicnerd14OP•2mo ago
Yeah, that was the first thing I tried. I thought that maybe something happened in the flashing process so I flashed again. Same problem. Triple checked some videos to make sure I didn't miss anything when it comes to flashing Bazzite, and looks like I went through the steps correctly. I will do a quick test on my other computer though just to eliminate the boot drive being an issue.
CheckYourFax•2mo ago
This error is caused by some invalid utf8 characters in volume/partition labels, which python does not tolerate well. We've had a user like this before Anaconda (which is the installer that installs Bazzite, based on python) tries to read volume information but fails because of some utf-8 character encoding problem The only fix for this is to use something else to edit drive and volume/partition labels to standard English characters, such as GParted Live, and then load the Bazzite installer again.
sonicnerd14OP•2mo ago
Are you talking about the name of the boot drive like this?
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sonicnerd14OP•2mo ago
That's the current name of the drive partition Would just reflashing the ISO again with a different name do the same? I just used Rufus, and that's the name it gave it by default
CheckYourFax•2mo ago
No, the labels of your other drives Internal drives The boot drive is fine it only contains basic characters There are some non standard characters in the labels or other drive attributes that are causing the utf8 error
sonicnerd14OP•2mo ago
That's strange because they all seem to have normal names. So do I have to install this GParted Live onto another drive? Looks like an ISO, and I don't see an option for a .exe windows installer.
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CheckYourFax•2mo ago
Something about the attributes or name of your partitions or drive is causing python to puke out an encoding error. It's 100% something with reading drive/partition/filesystem attributes and its character encoding.
CheckYourFax•2mo ago
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CheckYourFax•2mo ago
@wolfyreload this user has same error but no unusual characters? Remember ANY attached drive, including other drives, external drives etc etc will be read and could potentially cause that issue It could also be any partition name, not just drive labels
wolfyreload•2mo ago
Partition name can be completely different from the drive label. iirc the drive label doesn't affect the installer at all. Only weird characters in the partition name is an issue
CheckYourFax•2mo ago
UnicodeDecodeError when reading GPT PartitionName · Issue #490 · py...
Hello, In Subiquity (the Ubuntu Server installer), we are using pyudev to list and retrieve information about the different devices that we can install on. We are iterating over all the properties ...
CheckYourFax•2mo ago
This is probably related @wolfyreload Kernel bug with a fix that was never merged. So this isn't anaconda's fault after all.
wolfyreload•2mo ago
That's unusual. I usually blame anaconda for everything lol 😂
CheckYourFax•2mo ago
Python is just overly strict on unicode stuff too
antheas•2mo ago
@Noel can you get somebody from anaconda on this like come on really lol
Noel•2mo ago
I mean, based on reading this, it's an issue in the Python spec itself on how it handles unicode. What do you suggest the anaconda team does?
antheas•2mo ago
handle the exception? use a different file type? seems its a bug in pyudev
Noel•2mo ago
I can file something over to the team. I put it in the #anaconda matrix room. I'll see if they want me to file something on Jira.
CheckYourFax•2mo ago
It's a kernel bug in how utf16 is parsed from gpt partition tables apparently But I'm not sure if that patch was ever merged[email protected]/ I'm not 100% sure if this is the same problem But I would be somewhat surprised if it isn't
CheckYourFax•2mo ago
Yeah this shit was never merged: So this means its probably better to fix it in pyudev
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Noel•2mo ago
Neal recommended getting visability here too:
Issues · storaged-project/blivet
A python module for configuration of block devices - Issues · storaged-project/blivet
CheckYourFax•2mo ago
pyudev said "not our problem, fix upstream" and then it was never fixed upstream You could do a very simple fix by changing the code in pyudev to add errors="replace" that turns invalid characters into � characters.
Linus Xu
Linus Xu•2mo ago
Or alternatively just gdisk your drives and change the problematic partition names
CheckYourFax•2mo ago
yes, but we were talking about long term solution for when the next user comes with the same issue. this is #2 already 😂 @Linus Xu Is gdisk in the bazzite ISO? because if the installer fails to run you can probably still go to TTY2 otherwise use Gparted Live
Linus Xu
Linus Xu•2mo ago
I vaguely recall yes Or the original OS on the system
CheckYourFax•2mo ago
fair but windows really doesn't want you to change partnames loves to stop you from doing so
CheckYourFax•2mo ago
@sonicnerd14 Read: What you need to do is make a live usb with Gparted Live. With this tool you can also check the partition names. See picture for example (under "Name") Check if there's any non-standard alphabet characters (a-z A-Z 0-9) and if they do, rename them by replacing the characters. Do this for every drive attached. If you have any USB drives not needed for installation, you can also just remove those drives before installing. Download: (If you only have 1 USB drive, use Ventoy to add multiple ISO's to 1 USB drive)
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