Unable to access Speed --> Optimization --> Content page in dashboard
I'm trying to disable Rocker Loader but I cannot reach the page to disable this setting. Anybody else running into this?
2 Replies
your url looks very funky, it has a bunch of encoded spaces
magic link: https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/:zone/speed/optimization/content
Works fine navigating in my dash
also your account id is
:thonk:Yeah, the problem was I was still using the default .pages.dev domain. Adding my custom domain gave my access to the routes
However, I found that the Rocket Loader was already disabled by default so my original issue is still to be solved. (ViewTransitions API related functionality/scripts works as expected when previewing the Astro build and even when using “wrangler pages dev ./dist” but doesn’t work on the official deployment.)