When to start competitive queue?
I am fairly new to Valorant and am loving it. A little backstory I am a single dad so not able to practice/play as much as the others on here (maybe get an hour a day).
I want to get into competitive because I miss playing sports and between my Job and my kid outdoor sports are a no go but found valorant scratches that itch quite well.
but don't want to get told to uninstall or that I suck constantly, so I wanted to know is there a baseline I should aim for in unranked before jumping into comp? right now I mainly play deathmatch, team deathmatch and swiftplay to get my bearings.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
23 Replies
Honestly, being told to uninstall etc is pretty inevitable. But I would suggest that you pick an agent that you really like to play and start learning the basics and mastering that agent from people on Youtube. I would also suggest learn crosshair placement if you dont have time to practice aiming.
I hope that you will get awesome people in your lobbies because the community itself is pretty bad 🥲
thats unfortunate, I am hoping to make some friends I can queue with as my gaming friends aren't interested in the game
I'm sure you'll make some, I got more friends in Valorant than irl since I moved to Australia 🥹 but hey I do hope you'll look at comp queue as a fun place to show your competitive side and I tend to ignore toxic people
You should learn strafing and scaling
Low comp is just getting good aim
yeah I have been practicing that and aim as warmups before deathmatches, and to stop to shoot while strafing
whats scaling?
yeah Im pretty good at letting that stuff slide off my back pretty easy. just not sure when i should jump into the fray of comp.
I am sure I will have fun playing comp. its been a while but looking forward to it
I am sure I will have fun playing comp. its been a while but looking forward to it
Idk how to really explain scaling,but its basically pre aiming your crosshair at where you anticipate your enemy will probably walk through so you dont have to flick that much.
ah that makes sense
Its really easy to mid frag or top frag once you understand it
any good resources for that or does that justcome from playing it?
An Updated Crosshair Placement Guide for 2024
In this video I share the main 3 components of good crosshair placement along with drills to help you improve in VALORANT!
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Thanks I will check that out!
No worries
ngl ur not hurting anyone by playing comp it just ranks you with people around the same skill lvl nun more to it if they complain its probably a cope cus they did bad also just have fun and youll gradually get better at the game so que up some comp
Thanks for this, Might start doing comp on my next days off
i swear if theyre in ur elo they deserve to be in it ur not holding anyone back lol
lol ok good to know
Anyone who complains about teammates just has a skill issue
Especially below plat
that makes a lot of sense for sure
I usually just mute people like that
If you also want to hit more shots just try to practice shifting your crosshair left and right without shaking alot
ok I will do that
would going to the practice range and just setting to 100 bot and ressetting to the middle after each bot work for that?
You should set it to bot with armor
So you can practice getting headshots
You should also not hold your mouse too tight, it will probably make your crosshair shake
ok yeah I have been practicing headshot, I have trouble keeping my grip loose though I do try to keep it loose lol
I will add armor though, thats a good idea
I have mainly been using single shot weapons to make sure i am only doing headshots
I enjoy killjoy right now just having trouble with good setups. just been placing where I think makes sense