SSL/TLC Ciphers

Hey guys, I am using a bit of software that does not fully support the ECDH ciphers. I want to make a subdomain only use the RSA certs so I have paid for the ACM (advanced certificate manager) But when attempting to update the zones ciphers to TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 & TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 it appears like its still attempting to use ECDH instead of RSA. Is there anyway I can add the "X25519 ECDH curve" instead to my TLS/SSL settings? Or have a rule that bypasses ECDH for a specific subdomain? Without this the software I am using is unable to handle the SSL connection and it fails. Currently when fetching the current ciphers for my zone its set as :
{"value": ["AES128-SHA256", "AES256-SHA256"]}
{"value": ["AES128-SHA256", "AES256-SHA256"]}
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1 Reply
AdamOP2mo ago
Reading the documentation it looks like its possible but after setting the above values it appears to have no effect.

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