Honestly I have no idea what the problem is

I have ridiculously awful packet loss I don't know what its caused by it's only on Valorant and it only started happening after i came back to my dorm rooms after winter break and now the game is unplayable, i can play overwatch and other games just fine, and this issue was not happening before during the winter semester (we now in the spring semester) idk wtf is wrong with it or why its doing this but trying to fix the issue only made it worse, at home it was fine and before i went home it was fine
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nova ☆
nova ☆OP4w ago
like i genuinely cannot play the game like this and im not even lagging im just rubber banding really badly, my frames are fine just characters teleporting me teleporting bad server connection etc i go to a tech/comp sci school so we have pretty decent connection (better than home) so idk why this is happening

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