high ping spikes
Since new update patch I have recently get high ping spikes mid fights since it makes the game unplayable plz help :3
10 Replies
Do you know how to ping your gateway?
Nooo what’s that?? @bwaarin
open a command prompt window and execute the following commands:
ipconfig | findstr "Default Gateway"
Copy the displayed Default Gateway IP address.
Next, ping your router:
ping <ip> -n 200
Replace <ip> with the copied Default Gateway IP address.
Example: ping -n 200
Once the ping test is done, please provide a screenshot of the command prompt window displaying the ping results.
If that was confusing tell me!Do I have to run cmd as administrator?? @bwaarin
Shouldn't matter.
Feel free to check >ping -t too, helped me a ton tring to troubleshoot my recent issues
dude either stop connecting to trash servers with 400 avg ping or just get a better router
Can you use an Ethernet connection? It may resolve the issue.
umm unfortunately not 😦
is there anything elese i can do??