32 Replies
Did you press OK to visit the support page for more information?
yea, but nothing changed
the site doesnt opened
Okay hmm
Where is valorant installed?
External drive?
ssd external
where is my windows installed
Yea thats not gonna work
what i have to do
U need it to be on ur internal drive
Both ur windows and valorant need to be on an internal drive
Yeah figured that was the issue
like disk D?

like disk C
disk C is the ssd external
where is my windows installed
and val too
What is ur internal drive
The d drive i'd assume
disk D
Ah okay
Having windows on external drive is interesting way of using free will
I would only ever do that if I really needed windows for something and it wasn’t worth it to dual boot
Then I’d just use a bootable
And that’s assuming the original OS of the device is Linux
disk C is my ssd and disk D is my HD
i have w10
what i have to do for val works?
Or just connect ur ssd internally :val_HelloBro:
If it has the option
this is a update or smth? bc like 5 months ago i could do it
play valorant without this error
Uh kinda
A few months ago people started getting the error
Fairly confident there was a change to that yeah because that’s when the error started
When they were trying to run the game on an external drive
Was probably a vanguard patch that caused it, many people have already reached out to support about it so it’s unlikely that it will be changed or that it was unintentional
It was intentional no doubt
Cuz apparently it makes it harder for vanguard to detect cheats when it is on an external drive
So they just shut that system entirely
i will try to install just val in my disk intern
bc its so boring to reinstall win
i will come with news later
That is most probably not gonna work
Windows will also need to be on an internal drive
Can't u just connect the ssd internally
no, its a notebook not a pc
Hm makes sense

Doesn't workef
Thx guy's