How do I run my Windows dual-boot drive in a virtual box?

I have two NVME boot drives, one with Bazzite and one with Windows. My goal with this question is to boot into Bazzite natively, and then run my actual Windows drive within a virtual box so that I don't have to reboot to use Excel. I intend to keep the Windows drive fully intact and bootable, and for changes in the virtual box to reflect when I boot into Windows. If virtualization is pretending that Windows is installed, then I want to pretend to pretend that Windows is installed. While I've been made aware that yes this is possible, I am a little lost setting it up and have had a hard time finding information catered to the Atomic platform let alone Bazzite. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thus far I have run ujust setup-virtualization and have selected all the options and rebooted, I can confirm virtualization is active, because the Virtual Machine Manager flatpak is able to connect to qemu:///system
216 Replies
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
@HikariKnight I've been told to tag you since you're the neighborhood friendly virtualization expert šŸ˜„
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
1) Make sure IOMMU is available: sudo dmesg | grep -e IOMMU It will say something like "performance counters supported, detected AMD/Intel IOMMU"
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
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CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
sudo isn't working for some reason??? did it ask you for password?
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
That terminal was idle for so long that sudo timed out but never re-asked for password so it would just auto-fail lol, I opened a new term and got this
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CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
perfect so IOMMU is wroking 2) Install VFIO driver
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
Already did that
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
Perfect 3) Identify the NVME drive you want to passthrough sudo lspci | grep -i nvme
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
Like my post says, ran ujust setup-virtualization and clicked on everything
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
Run sudo lspci | grep -i nvme and post it here make sure to post the one here that has the Windows install make ABSOLUTE sure its the windows install one although its unlikely it will even work if you accidentally choose the wrong one, but it's better safe than sorry
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
So what I've reached at this point is running ls -l /dev/disk/by-id and then plugging in the desired disk to the field for "Import existing OS", i get an error message that makes me believe that virt-manager might not have the necessary privileges
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CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
Basically we want to isolate the Windows NVMe drive from being loaded by the kernel That's just import you want a live windows install on a real disk right?
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
then its absolute best to get IOMMU working and pass the NVMe drive through this will also lead to best performance unless you want to also access the NVMe drive in Linux, but I'm assuming not???
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
Right so is that something I do from virt-manager or do I use a cli for that
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
use cli for the coming steps virt manager is for last we first want to isolate the drive for passthrough sudo find /sys/kernel/iommu_groups/ Can you post the output of this here?
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
its lengthy
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
sorry comamnd is wrong Type sudo find /sys/kernel/iommu_groups/ without the type Also need the output of sudo lspci | grep -i nvme
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
there you go perfect now also output of sudo lspci | grep -i nvme
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
lspci is not installed on bazzite but I know the drive by id
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
what is the drive id? specifically the IOMMU ID not the mounted /dev/
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
that I dont know, I'm just saying I know the /dev/disk/by-id if that helps us find the IOMMU id
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
lspci should be on bazzite you sure you're typing it correctly?
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
Naw problem was I ran it in my distrobox term and not my main window lul
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
lspci lists pci devices
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
yeah ik
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
oh lol you'll probably get at least two id's because you ahve two NVMe drives you need to tell me which one is the windows NVMe
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
problem is that just lists the device manufacturer name and not a unique id
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
it does all the way at the start
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
I'm going to need to get mount information for these because both windows and linux use the exact same model of nvme but one has 3 parts and one has 4, that's how I tell them apart
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
we need to figure out which device is in whice IOMMU group if they're both in the same IOMMU group, passthrough ain't gonna work but it looks like you're safe sudo blkid
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
They are seperate entries one is 5:0 and one is 1:0
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
this is the command you need
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
blkid has no output
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
you have to do its been a while for me sorry but its do lspci -v make sure you're not in distrobox
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
already did that, it doesnt provide any differentiating info except that one device is in group 14 and one in 15. I know the UUIDs from lsblk tho, is there anywhere that cross-references the IOMMU groups with actually unique information?
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
there you go, so we know they're separate groups at least
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
because other than the IOMMU groups, lspci does not provide unique indentifying information for these drives
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
@Ygypt you can just check using file manager which is the bazzite install dolphin or whatever it is in gnome again
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
Upon reboot, will these devices be put into the same groups let alone the same IDs
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
@Ygypt do sudo lsblk -o NAME,FSTYPE,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT,UUID and post output here also sudo lspci -v
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
I've already indentified the drive I need it's IOMMU is 5:0 in group 15, what's next
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
I want to try if it will work without binding it to the VFIO first make sure device is not mounted at boot Open virt-manager Manual install Choose Windows 10/11 whatever you're using Add memory and CPU Don't touch storage at all when you make the VM choose customize configuration before install Then when you open the VM there will be a pop up to add hardware to the VM Then Add PCI host device select the Windows NVMe drive Click "apply" and then begin installation. It should just boot to Windows at that point If this works then no extra setup required @Ygypt
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
Ok so one i just want to point out,
Don't touch storage at all when you make the VM choose customize configuration before install Then when you open the VM there will be a pop up to add hardware to the VM Then Add PCI host device select the Windows NVMe drive
this is all i needed to know as far as steps go, you shoulda told me this in the first place brother more importantly, I cant actually create a machine even witohut storage the error on the second image appears no matter what. Like i said before, i think virt-manager is having trouble connecting to the virtualization daemon
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
I believe this flatpak has permission issues
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YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
Would you reccomend layering virt-manager
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
No Are you sure you selected Add $USER to libvirt group? and then rebooted?
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
in ujust setup-virtualization Reboot again just to be sure
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
Like I said in my post:
Thus far I have run ujust setup-virtualization and have selected all the options and rebooted
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
layering virt manager ain't gonna do anything since this is a file access issue Can you type sudo ls /var/log/libvirt/
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
thats unnecessary
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CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
does this even exist
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
It does
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
systemctl status virtlogd
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
There's an active daemon running
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
this has to do with the kvmfr module you chose that option too? this is for looking glass
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
virt-manager even recognizes that and automatically connected to qemu/kvm like i said
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
looking glass is so you can gpu passthrough on the same screen without atatching a screen directly to the passed through gpu
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
There were 3 options and I selected them all
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
3 options? there should be 5 with uninstall options or 6 even are you sure you didn't uninstall? lmao
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
two of them are just for disabling
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
yes correct
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
there are 3 installation options and i did them all
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
sudo restorecon -r /var/log/libvirt try again after
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
It still throws the error
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
@HikariKnight help Let me do some digging. If I can find anything I'll continue helping. If not we're going to have to wait for Hikari It's probably an SELinux thing I found a similar issue already:
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
I'm just going to wait for hikari because I've spent the last hour for one meaningful step, which I do appreciate, but all that jumping around in the terminal was for information I already had on-hand
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
Sorry for that. I was under the assumption you needed to add the NVMe drive to the VFIO driver. It might still be needed, so the information is not entirely useless. The issue here is likely SELinux as well as the other user (see: and I can't really help you with that. I have zero experience in messing with SELinux. The issue you're having right now has nothing to do with booting your Windows drive directly, but a more general QEMU problem, so I've been led on a red herring. šŸ˜›
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
Well no I did need these instructions so I appreciate that, but yeah right now my roadblock is the fact that virt-manager is refusing to create machines
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
Hikari also has more experience in passing through PCI devices, so if it doesn't work after this issue is resolved, he'll be able to help you a lot quicker than I can
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
ls-iommu --help soooo much better
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago this has information specifically regarding bazzite which is cool (yes my end goal is to also export the apps) ill report back if this works
winapps/docs/ at main Ā· winapps-org/winapps
Run Windows apps such as Microsoft Office/Adobe in Linux (Ubuntu/Fedora) and GNOME/KDE as if they were a part of the native OS, including Nautilus integration. Hard fork of
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
it suggests adding the user to the group kvm which ujust setup-virtulization does not do
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
This is such a much worse experience than just GPU passthrough if you have a 2nd gpu
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
And if I have a single GPU..?
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
what are your specs? because in some cases you can pass the iGPU just fine
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
Your sentence is a little nebulous, are you suggesting it's easier or harder with a second gpu
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
easier, because you'll have full DirectDraw GPU acceleration its going to be a million times smoother
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
right on well i only have one so thats out of the question
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
Your CPU has no integrated GPU?
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
okay that is out of the question
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
Well don't expect any hardware acceleration then
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
but the issue right now is that you can't create a VM at all because of SELinux probably
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
cant hardware accelerate with a single gpu? does the vm need total control
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
We will just focus on the SSD and fixing the log as selinux messed that up
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
its only going to be for ms office anyways, if i wanted graphics id just reboot into windows
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
We do not support single GPU passthrough because it's a pain in the ass that needs to be specifically tuned to your environment and system. Plus it will kill your Linux login session and applications and once you return you get back to the login Not worth us supporting
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
right on no biggie
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
@HikariKnight so easier to just dual boot at that point šŸ˜‚
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
right like i said if i need any real performance ill just reboot
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
Ok so if you're going to be using VM and rebooting to windows you will mess up your license for windows super quick, so much so you will be denied from fixing it @Kyle Gospo wanna do the honors?
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospoā€¢2mo ago
Reminder: no piracy discussions See you in a week Next one is permanent
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
NOTE: do not help Ygypt with using virtualization for his windows install anyways @CheckYourFax did you look at our ls-iommu?
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
Yes. It's a million times better
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
thank you, the bash script (which i hated) was an inspiration for it i wish i knew how to make the argument handling better though so i didnt have to write (works with xyz) on many of them
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
I had a question: DO you NEED to add an NVMe to VFIO for it to be passed to the VM?
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
you can just pass the whole block device as a raw image and that will work fine as long as you dont have it mounted on the host ever when the VM is running
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
I suppose you could do it through a virtual SATA bus but I feel like that would be incredibly slow Yes that makes sense. Otherwise its instant corruption
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
install virtio driver, add dummy disk and set it to virtio to kickstart the driver switch to virtio block bus or virtio-scsi then remove dummy disk
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
no virtio required if you do it the IOMMU way right?
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
and pass the actual device
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
but its a bit of a taller ask since now youre asking for the gpu AND nvme to be alone in iommu groups
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
but it IS possible? Because if it is I want to try it on my arch desktop
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
in theory it should, its just a pcie device why you think i got the nvme option in ls-iommu šŸ˜‚
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
GitHub - HikariKnight/ls-iommu: A tool to list devices in iommu gro...
A tool to list devices in iommu groups, useful for setting up VFIO - HikariKnight/ls-iommu
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
you made this whole thing? damn this is insane
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
look at that, so much better than that silly little bash script people use šŸ˜…
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HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
also unlike the bash script, the iommu groups are SORTED like actually sorted
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
technically you could put the NVMe and the GPU in the same iommu group and pass it through at the same time? How feasible is this? Oh wait you got the problem with them both needing to already be in the same group
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
you dont contol the iommu groups at best you can use the hacky ACS patch and pray it separates them better (we have it included, until people run into issues caused by it)
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
look at this though šŸ˜›
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HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
need to grab something you need for the passthrough, it will grab the crap you need šŸ˜„
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
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HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
and yes i made the whole thing, damn proud of it too. had some help from my friend in australia when i was stuck as it was my "teach myself golang" project
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
yeah but if you have two devices that are exactly the same model, that can be annoying. A quick way of seeing which device is on which /dev/ mount point would be nice what is the easiest way? that you can compare with the IOMMU lists just so its easier to help someone in the future
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
if you have 2 gpus like that, youre cooked here on atomic since it would require you to add a custom script to initramfs, cant do that without a custom image going forward for nvmes just passing the block device (the whole device one, not one of the partitions) is enough and make sure you never mount it when the vm is running and that its not mounted when the vm is running
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
Okay, that makes sense. And then you just do RAW while making VM and choose the disk right? or no storage device whatsoever?
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
Okay. Awesome.
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
raw = just like a device block its the same thing you get if you dd a disk into a file
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
that way you would still need the VirtIO driver for better performance right?
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
yes its not perfect but you will get at least with gen3 drives in my experience like 80-90% of the performance 2 sec let me just fire up crystaldiskmark on my vm just to doublecheck but its certainly playable
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
I definitely want to try passing through the NVMe (a 960 evo) together with the GTX 1080 on my arch desktop. It's a 6600K with VT-d enabled. The IOMMU groups are on this platform not ideal so it might just not be possible on newer platforms seems like its way easier to get it done because almost everything has its own group
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
not always asrock is still best in class when it comes to passthrough support
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
This is good to know. Thanks. do you know which models are usually best?
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
the fact that asrock is owned by acer is kinda funny though considering acer is a mixed bag when it comes to laptops and desktops šŸ˜… on the amd side all the X chipsets you might get the firmware ACS patch in B chipsets from them but often they do not have space to include it there last i talked to someone from asrock
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
oh they have ACS patches from themselves? That's some customer support right there
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
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CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
that's not horrible random 4k write is kinda oof but its enough to be snappy
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
keep in mind this is a crappy nvme i aquired from a laptop that got run over by a tractor
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
a laptop that got run over by a tractor? like literally? :huh:
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
yes its a miracle its still straight
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
well the current ujust for setup-virtualization is not perfect first thing you're greeted with after reboot is that the daemon is not running
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
the one that i had to bend out from a hp laptop where the ssd screw came factory stripped is more bent
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
there is literally a service that should fix this....
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
is that not in the script by default?
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
and keep it on when you upgrade between fedora versions script enables it part of enable virtualization
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
not any of the other settings right? so far ive only done enable virtualization on my lgo i just wanna test the problems people are having, and this is a device where ive never enabled it yet
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
nope enable virtualization enables a service that makes sure libvirt stays enabled after fedora releases
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
bazzite-libvirtd-setup.service this one
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
when i re-execute the script it says symlinks it and then "libvirtd will be enabled at next reboot"
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
let me check journald something ain't right
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
it checks if libvirtd is running, if it isnt it enables the service
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
yeah its not starting on boot after reboot for some reason on bazzite-deck
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
it disables itself after its done it was our way to enable libvirtd when you had to layer everything thats why we made it so we could enable libvirt without having to do the awkward ok its installed but not enabled, reboot and rerun this step
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
when you only enable virtualization there's no extra kargs right? or should there be?
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
nope oh wait nvm there is 2
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
these should show on rpm-ostree? status
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
stop win10 from bluescreening by disabling msr or whatever its called and then disable logging that it ignored the signal (so your journal and dmesg isnt spammed)
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
yeah no it did do some kargs as it was staging deployment
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
kvm.ignore_msrs=1 kvm.report_ignored_msrs=0 these to it does first one prevents windows10 (and newer) vms from bluescreening when they do msrs calls 2nd one tells the kernel to not report ignored msrs calls since it will spam like 4-5 every second almost
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
something isn't right the libvirtd service is running but virtmanager detects nothing wait let me post logs why it worked fine in the old method and doesn't now is weird
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
works for everyone else šŸ¤·
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
ā—‹ libvirtd.service - libvirt legacy monolithic daemon Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/libvirtd.service; enabled; preset: disabled) Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/service.d ā””ā”€10-timeout-abort.conf, 50-keep-warm.conf Active: inactive (dead) since Sun 2025-01-12 03:33:00 CET; 1min 37s ago Duration: 2min 93ms Invocation: 8f6f0938bbc34c1287c648a651b9bb24 TriggeredBy: ā— libvirtd.socket ā— libvirtd-ro.socket ā— libvirtd-admin.socket Docs: man:libvirtd(8) Process: 3093 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/libvirtd $LIBVIRTD_ARGS (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 3093 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Tasks: 2 (limit: 32768) Memory: 48.5M (peak: 66.5M) CPU: 731ms CGroup: /system.slice/libvirtd.service ā”œā”€3281 /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --conf-file=/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.conf --leasefile-ro --dhcp-> ā””ā”€3283 /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --conf-file=/var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.conf --leasefile-ro --dhcp-> Jan 12 03:31:01 legiongo dnsmasq-dhcp[3281]: DHCP, sockets bound exclusively to interface virbr0 Jan 12 03:31:01 legiongo dnsmasq[3281]: reading /etc/resolv.conf Jan 12 03:31:01 legiongo dnsmasq[3281]: using nameserver Jan 12 03:31:01 legiongo dnsmasq[3281]: read /etc/hosts - 8 names Jan 12 03:31:01 legiongo dnsmasq[3281]: read /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.addnhosts - 0 names Jan 12 03:31:01 legiongo dnsmasq-dhcp[3281]: read /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/default.hostsfile Jan 12 03:33:00 legiongo systemd[1]: libvirtd.service: Deactivated successfully. Jan 12 03:33:00 legiongo systemd[1]: libvirtd.service: Unit process 3281 (dnsmasq) remains running after unit > Jan 12 03:33:00 legiongo systemd[1]: libvirtd.service: Unit process 3283 (dnsmasq) remains running after unit > Jan 12 03:33:00 legiongo systemd[1]: libvirtd.service: Consumed 731ms CPU time, 66.5M memory peak.
libvirt: The virtualization API
libvirt, virtualization, virtualization API
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
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CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
Ah yeah no I forgot you have to manually add the connection
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
I think I know the issue people are having they're installing all the stuff without knowing what they're doing Yeah now I'm having the same issue with no access to home folder. Unable to complete install: 'internal error: process exited while connecting to monitor: 2025-01-12T02:43:28.476438Z qemu-system-x86_64: -blockdev {"driver":"file","filename":"/var/home/bazzite/Downloads/en-us_windows_11_consumer_editions_version_23h2_updated_dec_2024_x64_dvd_2e075bad.iso","node-name":"libvirt-1-storage","read-only":true}: Could not open '/var/home/bazzite/Downloads/en-us_windows_11_consumer_editions_version_23h2_updated_dec_2024_x64_dvd_2e075bad.iso': Permission denied' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/app/share/virt-manager/virtManager/", line 71, in cb_wrapper callback(asyncjob, *args, **kwargs) File "/app/share/virt-manager/virtManager/", line 2008, in _do_async_install installer.start_install(guest, meter=meter) File "/app/share/virt-manager/virtinst/install/", line 726, in start_install domain = self._create_guest( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/app/share/virt-manager/virtinst/install/", line 667, in _create_guest domain = self.conn.createXML(initial_xml or final_xml, 0) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/app/lib/python3.12/site-packages/", line 4545, in createXML raise libvirtError('virDomainCreateXML() failed') libvirt.libvirtError: internal error: process exited while connecting to monitor: 2025-01-12T02:43:28.476438Z qemu-system-x86_64: -blockdev {"driver":"file","filename":"/var/home/bazzite/Downloads/en-us_windows_11_consumer_editions_version_23h2_updated_dec_2024_x64_dvd_2e075bad.iso","node-name":"libvirt-1-storage","read-only":true}: Could not open '/var/home/bazzite/Downloads/en-us_windows_11_consumer_editions_version_23h2_updated_dec_2024_x64_dvd_2e075bad.iso': Permission denied
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
sudo setfacl -m u:qemu:rx $HOME
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
Unable to complete install: 'internal error: Could not run '/usr/bin/swtpm_setup'. exitstatus: 1; Check error log '/var/log/swtpm/libvirt/qemu/win11-swtpm.log' for details.' There we go, the TPM problem
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
does /var/lib/swtpm-localca exist? if it does then send me the log it made
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
yes sec swtpm at /usr/bin/swtpm does not support TPM 2 That's a big F with passthrough I get this: Unable to complete install: 'internal error: QEMU unexpectedly closed the monitor (vm='win11'): 2025-01-12T02:55:09.125756Z qemu-system-x86_64: Requested buffer size of 3968 is smaller than host TPM's fixed buffer size of 4096'
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
just added it emulated, works for me????
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
Fedora Discussion
TPM Does Not Work Virt-Manager Fedora 40
I confirm the issue in system mode, but it works fine for me in session mode: virt-manager -c qemu:///session qemu:///system vs qemu:///session | Cole Robinson Update: Unable to create new virt-manager vm with software TPM on Fedora 40 - #48 by vgaetera
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
this is an issue with SELinux are we using an older version of swtpm package?
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
i dont have any selinux rules for swtpm that i made though šŸ¤”
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
its because it has to do with newly installed systems whens the last time you reinstalled?
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
2023 šŸ¤£
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
that explains it šŸ˜›
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
new bugs are fun
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
theres an issue creating selinux rules with swtpm-selinux so i need to somehow manually fix this?
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
Maybe unstable fixes the issue?
No description
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
who knows?
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
no idea šŸ¤” dont really have the possibility to reinstall constantly here
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
I'm getting insanely high amounts of sealerts when i try to make the VM so it is SELinux
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
fuuuun do you know what is complaining you can make manual rules fairly easy
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
rpc-virtqemud its multiple things let me dig through
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
sudo grep libvirt /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2allow -M my-libvirt
sudo semodule -i my-libvirt.pp
sudo grep libvirt /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2allow -M my-libvirt
sudo semodule -i my-libvirt.pp
just adjust that and you can make modules with rules for each
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
sorry its late šŸ˜…
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
no sealerts anymore but still the same tpm error F back to digging that fedora forum type=AVC msg=audit(01/12/2025 04:19:30.579:1179) : avc: denied { execute } for pid=15067 comm=rpc-virtqemud name=qemu dev="nvme0n1p3" ino=476259 scontext=system_u:system_r:virtqemud_t:s0 tcontext=unconfined_u:object_r:virt_etc_t:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 ---- type=AVC msg=audit(01/12/2025 04:19:30.595:1182) : avc: denied { relabelfrom } for pid=15069 comm=rpc-virtqemud name=domain-3-win11 dev="nvme0n1p3" ino=328223 scontext=system_u:system_r:virtqemud_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:var_lib_t:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1 ---- type=AVC msg=audit(01/12/2025 04:19:30.639:1183) : avc: denied { remove_name } for pid=10426 comm=rpc-virtqemud name=domain-3-win11 dev="nvme0n1p3" ino=328223 scontext=system_u:system_r:virtqemud_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:var_lib_t:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1 ---- type=AVC msg=audit(01/12/2025 04:19:33.258:1194) : avc: denied { execute } for pid=15111 comm=rpm name=rpm-ostree dev="nvme0n1p3" ino=176158 scontext=system_u:system_r:setroubleshootd_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:install_exec_t:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 ---- type=AVC msg=audit(01/12/2025 04:19:33.258:1195) : avc: denied { execute } for pid=15111 comm=rpm name=rpm-ostree dev="nvme0n1p3" ino=176158 scontext=system_u:system_r:setroubleshootd_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:install_exec_t:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 ---- type=AVC msg=audit(01/12/2025 04:19:33.258:1196) : avc: denied { execute } for pid=15111 comm=rpm name=rpm-ostree dev="nvme0n1p3" ino=176158 scontext=system_u:system_r:setroubleshootd_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:install_exec_t:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 Getting this when making VM swtpm at /usr/bin/swtpm does not support TPM 2 swtpm at /usr/bin/swtpm does not support TPM 2 swtpm at /usr/bin/swtpm does not support TPM 2 swtpm at /usr/bin/swtpm does not support TPM 2 swtpm at /usr/bin/swtpm does not support TPM 2 swtpm at /usr/bin/swtpm does not support TPM 2 I still get this Workaround for now: Remove TPM from hardware->BypassTPM in setup. through a regedit
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
only thing i can found is a proxmox post where libtpms was broken and you had to remove it to fix swtpm with tpm2 but that was 2023 and proxmox is debian based :clueless:
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
I can find some topics about swtpm on Fedora project forums, but they have all been fixed waaay before f41 was out but its all selinux and these selinux things have been fixed now no more alerts so its not selinux
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
im at a loss and sleepy xD
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
No description
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
this is all the journald stuff that shows after trying to make it No worries. Have a good night o7 So i tried making a TPM cert myself manually using swtpm_setup and that generates a more specific error the problem is swptpm_localca Okay never mind I forgot sudo it works fine if done with sudo
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
have you done anything like running vms as the qemu user session or changed the VM user to not be qemu? only other thing i can think of
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
What I honestly think the problem is is that when swtpm_setup is executed by virt-manager, it is not using the --tpm2 argument or it IS an access issue with swtpm_localca
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
thats why i asked if you had modified what user that libvirt uses for vms since someone did that change to make "i want to use iso from home to work šŸ˜­ "
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
nope also swtpm is ran as tss:tss not qemu
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
yeah i was just thinking on some weird interaction where "no your user is not allowed to run swtpm_setup in this context it is only allowed for X" kind of how apparmor works in some situations iirc
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
It's not an issue of TPM version Tried creating a TPM 1.2 device and now it gives "does not support TPM 1.2" whole swtpm is broken
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
šŸ˜­ hmm i wonder layer virt-manager see if its a flatpak issue if you never had virt-manager layered i doubt its related but worth checking i guess
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
drwxr-xr-x. 1 tss tss 230 Jan 12 03:43 . drwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 812 Jan 12 02:39 .. -rw-r--r--. 1 tss tss 20 Jan 12 04:57 certserial -rw-r--r--. 1 tss tss 1505 Jan 12 03:43 issuercert.pem -rwxr-xr-x. 1 tss tss 0 Jan 12 03:43 .lock.swtpm-localca -rw-r-----. 1 tss tss 8170 Jan 12 03:43 signkey.pem -rw-r--r--. 1 tss tss 1468 Jan 12 03:43 swtpm-localca-rootca-cert.pem -rw-r-----. 1 tss tss 8177 Jan 12 03:43 swtpm-localca-rootca-privkey.pem this correct right? I'm gonna try layer Nope, doesn't work
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
all correct well darn, was worth a shot
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
setting SELinux to permissive fixed it so its 100% SELinux sudo setenforce 0 but why there's not a more specific alert is strange How do I figure out what part of SELinux is causing the issue?
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
the moment i put sudo setenforce 1 it breaks again
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
sudo restorecon -R /var/blah/whatever just dont run it on / as it wont work maybe its needed for the dumb swtpm folder
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
I don't know where the path would be It doesn't tell you
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
the localca directory for swtpm i would guess im more baffled it doesnt make selinux log entries
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
there is one when i manually did an sealert -a on the audit.log recent one
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
is it any useful
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
had to do with qemu at least but only "relabel" on the virtual hard disk didn't seem too useful
HikariKnightā€¢2mo ago
oh well im going back to bed
CheckYourFaxā€¢2mo ago
alright man, im going to continue the search good night Tried all of this. Nothing works except making SELinux permissive I'm done going down this rabbit hole for now: Just make VM and then set SELinux back to enforcing ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ once the TPM is created there's no issue
YgyptOPā€¢2mo ago
yo im back so my solution was to scrap the whole idea and just did winapps thru podman, all the stuff im working on is in a cloud account anyways. i DID get virt-manager to work on a fresh iso by enabling tpm passthrough, i think i had to change the dropdown (to default iirc) incase anyones still struggling with virt-manager. my honest reccomendation tho is to use podman it Just Works

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