Choose Franchise Mod in Main Menu, Nothing happens

I've submitted a ticket but perhaps someone here might be able to troubleshoot. Franchise was working before, I had started a zoo, only really set up a few things so when this issue started I deleted the saves of it my "My Zoos" so now I don't have any Franchise Zoos. I have a video of both my ovldata folder and installed mods as well as the issue. I also have quite a bit of stuff from steam workshop. I've verified my file integrity and checked my gpu drivers. Thank you for anyone who has an idea of what it is!
10 Replies
UnleashedTsavo2mo ago
Do u use mods ? I dont use mods so no clue how that works but the message u get feels to me like it might be mod related. ( correct me if im wrong as i have 0 experience with mods ) If yes, u might want to look for help of someone who has knowledge about that. Another option to do could be a complete reinstall pherhaps ? ( move the save files of the zoo's to a different map, place them back after a reinstall ).
purrinneOP2mo ago
I do, why I included my ovldata folder. I've been doing what you regularly do when you have mods and something isn't working and batching them. For some reason it's looking like PZPlus is causing it.
UnleashedTsavo2mo ago
PZplus is what makes the mod function ingame ?
purrinneOP2mo ago
PZPlus is a mod in itself. I reset its config file while you can edit, and something in it was causing it. I'm not sure what part of the config it was as I tweaked a few things but I suppose I can test.
UnleashedTsavo2mo ago
Would recommend to ask in the mod community, not sure whom to tag for this that can help out. Maybe Leaf ?
purrinneOP2mo ago
No worries, I'm in no rush since I've at least narrowed it down to what it is. Just gonna mess with it more and if I can find out which part of the config is doing it, maybe it'll help someone.
UnleashedTsavo2mo ago
Good luck.
purrinneOP2mo ago
Thank you for at least poking in ❤️ I appreciate it
Jayrassic2mo ago
the 1.16 Endangered Babys needs to be deleted. That is specifically to be put into the media folder, not OVL. that could potentially be part of the issue. I don't see it being the exact reason.
You could try to uninstall your entire game and reinstall it. I would suggest deleting all your mods and reinstalling them if you feel you need to have them. Most mods do not work in franchise mode with exception of free build PZ plus and some exhibit mods.
purrinneOP2mo ago
It was something in PZPlus that I changed in the config. I've yet to go back and re-test as I simply just clean reinstalled PZPlus back with its default config files. TY for letting me know I need to replace the babies though, I missed it!

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