How can I disable Captive Portal Detection?
My connection is cut automaticly due to captive portal timing out. How can I disable it?
5 Replies
You tagged this Zero Trust so I assume you are using the Zero Trust version, in which you can disable it:
under WARP profile settings
Cloudflare Docs
Captive portal detection · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs
Captive portals are used by public Wi-Fi networks (such as airports, coffee shops, and hotels) to make a user agree to their Terms of Service or provide payment before allowing access to the Internet. When a user connects to the Wi-Fi, the captive portal blocks all HTTPS traffic until the user completes a captive portal login flow in their brows...
Cloudflare Docs
WARP settings · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs
WARP settings define the WARP client modes and permissions available to end users.
It stucks as connecting usually and it provides connection only a few minutes after it closes down giving captive portal time out
Normal warp client is not able to register either
did you try disabling captive portal detection?
I have did with zero trust
Still the captive portal and registration problems
I am using a public net
hmm, I'm assuming you did it on the right profile and such? Might take a second to propagate the update, I've found under the Connections panel in setting using
Reset Encryption Keys
forces pulling the new config/settings remote. The docs recommend trying Masque protocol, another option under the profile settings, if you're having issues as well