Please help
i have an alienware “yes i know its shit” and 2 days ago i was playing val and my game was glitching, so i restarted the pc and it would turn on but just stuck on the boot screen, it maniged to boot once yesterday but nothing
124 Replies
they cant open up their computer
do you have an alienware pc or laptop
If your game is stuck in the loading screen…
Open task manager > performance and send ss
No my pc is
do you have 2 sticks of ram or a spare stick or something cus it might be that
or a fried psu/mobo/cpu
take out a stick of ram if u have 2 and try different slots
Alienware uses prepriotory parts
Cant switch out for different components
you can switch out the ram
its not soldered to the mobo
if u have 2 sticks just take on out
and try booting
My brain be lagging sometimes :fwbear_sad:
no hjer pc
her pc
their* pc is completely stuck on the boot screen
That’s why I said brain be lagging
im pretty sure its the ram
I got what they meant
also how old is the pc
their pc is 4 years old
guys can u help me with the post i did just share
even for an alienware 4 years is kinda fast for it to fail
Did that now the monitor or anything doesnt come on
one of the stick might be friend
Could it be a virus?
did u try different sticks in different slots?
Tried to only boot with the other stick and also nothing comes on
my guesses are the cpu is fried the motherboard is fried or there is a loose connection
does your motherboard support bios flash?
No clue
do your pc fans spin?
like the gpu spin when u turn it on
or like the cpu cooler fan spin?
All of them spin @Cheeseus
does you motherboard have any lights that are flashing while youre turning it on?
do you know what cpu you have?
does it have an integrated gpu?
I have an i7
Do not know abt intergrated graphivs
I csnt even get into safe mode
try plugging the hdmi/dp cable into your motherboard
Cant plug into motherboard
did u do anything to it before it stopped working?
Playing valorant
Game was glitching
Restarted pc
Stuck on booting screen
Is my pc cooked?
wdym by game was glitching
like did it start having lines on your scrren or something
No just like
It felt like it kept going in and out of fullscreen
With a milisecond of a blakx screen
What do u think it could be? @Cheeseus
im not sure
mabye a cable got loose
your gpu is failing
do you have any spare type of memory
Well i upgraded my memory 2 years ago
I would have to find the original memory
just remove the memory
the storage i mean
you should boot into bios
Wdym storage
Like the drives?
like hard drives or ssd
Ok idk where that is😅

Did ur cpu run hot
Like very hot?
But i would hear a really loud fan
Most of the time i played
so ur thing is probs running hot
What does that mean?
Which might of killed the cpu
So its the cpu?
Might be
Hoe would i knoe
In the task manager
People always told me my cpu is bad cuz of the amount of usage
It was using 80-100 percent playing fortnite/val with google open and discord
Do you know what cpu it is besides an i7?
thats horrible
80% usage?
Also what gpu is it
So all in all
So you have an old pc?
Top 3 things that it could be
Got it 4 years ago
No like
Another one
An older one
Wait so you tried a different stick of ram right?
Try a different stick of ram
If you have one
Ok gimme a sec
I hope it's the ram cus it's probably the cheapest thing there
I found the old ram
Ima put both sticks in
And test
Try with 1 first
And put it in the other slot
Like not the one with the old one
White and black ones

Which one should i put it in
Last white one
Whats the difference
Shouldn't be any if u use 1 stick
But that looks like the cleanest
And if it does work you can put the other stick in the other white one
Alr powered it on
Still stuck on the loading screen
Or boot screen
Maybe just wait
Il wait 30 mins
By boot screen do you mean windows or bios
Should take at most 5 minutes

Is the storage in the blue box?
Not sure
I think I see it
Do you know the model number
Of the pc
Its an r12
Power it off
Turn off the psu switch
And press the power button a few times so it kills the power
Leave it like that for a few minutes and power it back on
Some guy on reddit said it worked for him
Besides that I couldn't find anything else relating to that issue
I recommend going on reddit on the alienware subreddit since they should be able to help a lot more and hopefully find the issue
Is it just stuck on this screen?:CB_pika_think:
What is the psu switch
Ok wait
So it just takes a while to power on
But the pc is on
So does it work?
Or just loading screen
It worked
It did the same thing with the old ram
It takes like 20-30 mins to power on ig
Cuz it did that yesterday
Can you open task manager
If ur in windows
Gimme a sec
My mom needs me
And it will take 20-30 mins
And someone the pc turned off and the other ram is in there
Wonder how that happened
Might take a while to boot if you have an hdd
What is an hdd?
Usually slow
Hard disk drive
Oh alr
I have like 20 mb left on my c drive
Last time o chexked
When it boots up open task manager and take a photo of the storage name
Or tell me if it says nvme ssd or hdd something like that
Ok wait
So i couldnt get into safe mode before
But now im here

Can you continue?
Or does it bring you to the loading screen again?
I pressed continue
Back to loading screen
So if you wait you get sent to safe mode
Enter safe mode again
Did you make any changes in your bios by any chance?
It did it on its own
It failed to load windows
And beought me there
Tried entering manually
Wouldnt work
You can’t go to this screen?
Ahh ok
It pretty sure it goes automatically on alienwares after some time
im on my pc
and fore some reason
it flashes black for a millisecond evey min or so
and i have discord, epic games, file explorer, settings, and opera gx open and my cpu is using 24%
is this problem fixed yet
what storage are you using?
hard disk drive, solid state drive, or nvme?
Show a photo in the performance tab in task manager if u can

@ixz open windows, press ctrl+shift+esc and go to performance
then click on cpu and take a pic
repeat with everything else
click on each of these and take a pic then send here

it shows that you are offlilne
Uh yes?
how are you messaging
if you're offline
Are you new to discord 💀
i think
cus i used to have then i stopped
and now im back to discord
Discord bug