eddie__ - Hi,I’m experiencing a problem with ...

Hi, I’m experiencing a problem with background Liveboard content loading. Details: I have a few tabs at the top, and when the LiveboardEmbed app is loading in the background (i.e., when I am on another tab, and LiveboardEmbed is not in focus), it only downloads the filter without any content. Environment: @thoughtspot/visual-embed-sdk: "^1.28.1" Could someone help me resolve this issue or confirm if it’s a known bug? Best regards, Eduard Terpan
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4 Replies
shikharTS2mo ago
This should not happen. When liveboard embed is not in focus how are you even seeing this page? Would it be possible to share the har file in DM to me to check what might be happening here? From the discussion we had internally, it seems you are trying to block requests from TS instance and then try this. Can you please specify under what circumstances you see this error?
shikharTS2mo ago
Can you enable autoLogin as true in your config : https://developers.thoughtspot.com/docs/Interface_EmbedConfig#_autologin?
The configuration object for embedding ThoughtSpot content. It includes the ThoughtSpot hostname or IP address, the type of authentication, and the authentication endpoint if a trusted authentication server is used.
Rider[UA]OP2mo ago
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z-g0qFf_rRvAcr3N4wx1JN3G7IzVvoLN/view?usp=sharing Good day - I just got to this issue - glad to share a video with a fresh reproducing - we spent quite a lot of time collecting information and playing back with yours SRE/support we also recorded a video with playback and tried #_autologin=true|false. I understand your confusion about why I even got into such a strange situation - initially our company ran into the following problem - customers coming to work found an empty page with analytics while their computer was not active at night - the unavailability of certain systems brought the web page into a non-working state. We made a mechanism that tracks the appearance of the user to automatically restart the application - as well as N attempts to restart the application on a schedule. That is, at the moment this mechanism loads a page that is not in focus or minimized. And surprisingly, only the filter without content is rendered in this case. I block the network only for the purpose of artificially reproducing a situation when the backend was unavailable - which actually happened, on the basis of which complaints were received from our users.
shikharTS2mo ago
Do you turn off requests from TS after the initial load? Then it is possible that the calls for getting data in vizs gets blocked and we see the state here. Also it takes some time for thoughtspot to come up after restarting it. I would suggest to schedule a call with the support team and our engineering team to understand the use case and suggest solutions

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