Suddenly can't boot into game mode anymore. (It had been fine for awhile)

I'm having issues getting into game mode. The system loops between logo and black screen for 3 times, and kicks me into desktop. Steam is logged out. I log in, try to return to gaming mode, and get kicked out to desktop with steam logged out again. I see lots of logs with ERROR: object '/usr/lib/extest/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored. Tried ujust fix-reset-steam, also tried update, but none of those helped. It's quite weird, because last week before I shut down, it was completely fine for a couple of months. HTPC, AMD CPU and GPU 7700XT
11 Replies
HikariKnight2mo ago
libextest is a red herring, ignore it try instead of logging in, remove your user from the steam login completely, restart steam then log back in. by the time you reply i will have gone to bed, so if it doesnt help, someone else will have to try help you
cyberwoofOP2mo ago
I just tried what you said. Remove login, restart, log back, and tried to get back to gaming mode. Still kicked out and logged out of steam. :/ in desktop, it would even happily launch games
HikariKnight2mo ago
the reason you get sent to desktop (and have to login to steam again) is because steam crashes when it tries to run in gamemode what does ~/gamescope-std.log and ~/gamescope-cmd.log say?
matt_schwartz2mo ago
those should just go to journal now
cyberwoofOP2mo ago
hm I don't have these files.
cyberwoofOP2mo ago
i think this is just before services start shutting down
cyberwoofOP2mo ago
maybe reinstalling everything is a better option? I rolled back to november using brh and it doesn't seem to help. Is there anything else I can clean up besides fix-reset-steam or removing my steam account?
HikariKnight2mo ago
because the issue is caused by something in $HOME/.local/share/Steam and $HOME/.steam which the ujust you tried deletes and regenerates by removing any files that are not games or userdata, and then starting steam again which downloads the files fresh
cyberwoofOP2mo ago
I removed those two directories and tried with a fresh new steam account without success. I'll reinstall from scratch then. Thank you for your help Hikari This is erm.. interesting. I downloaded a new installer and did everything from scratch, and had the same issue. I can launch games in desktop mode, but if I close steam, my session is gone. After shuting down steam, the first launch will do nothing (I assume it failed), the second time it will show me the login screen again. I also tried to rule out network by logging in with a mobile hotspot. The universe telling me to touch grass.
HikariKnight2mo ago
ujust post-gamescope-logs see what gamescope says, unsure if it will help since your steam log is not useful
cyberwoofOP2mo ago
yea you're right. It's mostly empty.

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