My account has been completely wiped
I tried logging in to play, I’m level 1 with no in game currency, no skins, no buddies, no customisation or agents at all. I can’t Q anything or view the shop? It’s completely wiped my account of all purchases.
Literally before trying to Queue I was close to level 50, had a bunch of agents, had all my currency and purchases and could view everything. It seems to have wiped my account after trying to Q
21 Replies
game issue :)
Other people reported this
Is it an issue for all regions? Or just one region? I’m EU btw :)
in just europe
That’s just a report for end of game tho, it wiped whilst trying to Q
Dw it’s happening to everyone
They’ll fix it
yes , they will fix fast
Oof okay, that’s good to know at least
Regardless of the bug you can still queue for a match
Unfortunately I can’t, it just doesn’t work at all for me for any game mode </3
Ion know I’m already in game :val_PepeShrug:
I think somethings working? I have all my stuff back so hopefully it’s working now
i just change my server with vpn
watch out it’s bannable to use vpn
:valExclamation: Riot does not offer an official list of which software, hardware, or other modifications may lead to ban. Riot is constantly working on trying to keep the game fair for all players. They stress that any modification that causes an unfair advantage for players, will lead to a restriction.
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wait it is?
my friend uses it so much
alr brb lemme see
alr ig
im gonna tell him not to use vpn ;-;