21 Replies
Create a redirect going to Discord: https://developers.cloudflare.com/rules/url-forwarding/single-redirects/create-dashboard/
to a diffrent domain?
yup though you'll want to tweak it to go to your invite path
Like this?
do type static and just provide the discord.gg url
then of course change the hostname to fire on
but otherwise yes
field hostname was right
value should be what domain you want this to run on
on mine
so just minedomain.com?
also it sayes this:
yep, make sure you have a dns record
witch one?
and what to put in it?
you can do an AAAA with value 100::
there is no value in AAAA
the ipv6 address
put 100::
and name?
whichever subdomain is serving this redirect
Soo like this?
www not discord
you're redirecting www