Aim trash help plz
My aim is goteen very bad for last few weeks and its not improving
Please help me
I reached Immortal somehow but I donno after that my aims not hitting or smth ( I have reached immo before )
I do aimlabs everyday and I am consistent IN DOING IT
14 Replies
Do it with death match right after
Do range practice consistently
yes bro I do it I do aimlab and range both
this started after I reset my pc
Crosshair placement
well bro
its just sudden
how is my crosshair placement a problem
i hv reached immortal
It could be atleast 5% of the times
Idk id u aim train then what's the issue
Maybe the way you sit qnd ur arm is tired
Crosshair placement is partly aim
reset ur pc again
ok amir
I gonna tip you
2 dolla dolla for it
i mean ok zir
deliber ur pch to me
me will get reeedieieirnt in ur akkount zir
Will not redeem tz code