Billing unclear to me

Hi, Is there somebody that understands billing? I want to experiment with running ComfyUI very incidentally (because I have other things dto do besides this) and need low monthly running costs. 7 dollars per month seems resoanlable to me and so I have created a runpod disk of 100 gb at 7 dollar per month. But I seem to be paying 1.80 dollar per day now, and I don’t quite understand why. I have 2 pods, but they are idle mostly. I thought I would only need to pay for the storage i actually created. So what do i need to do to get my costs down? Kill my pods? That would defeat the purpose a bit… Can anyone advise me?
1 Reply
nerdylive4w ago
network storage? you can see your billing details in your billing page and detail it out to every hour/month or othjer granularity or every pods, endpoints, summary(combination of which consumes your credit) Try checking when you stop a pod(assuming you dont use network storage and volume disk in pods directly instead), theres a price too for stopped pods (disk price)

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