Network Problem with flawless internet connection
A few days ago this weird network problems started, it appears every now and then like 1 to 2 times a match. I have wired internet and my ping is stable around 19 with no packet loss. All games and applications work perfectly this only happens in Valorant. When it happens in a match I can still see everything happening in the match without any delays and I can walk around freely like in spectator mode but I cant do any other inputs to the game such as switching weapons, shooting, pinging or taking an orb. I am puzzled by this. Have been playing the game fine for 3 years and this only started happening now. If I restart the game it usually goes away but comes back eventually.
15 Replies
put on all network related stats to graph and when it happens send a clip of it happens with that stats on
I tried to but I cant upload the file here
discord doesnt allow
file size too big
Watch Valorant 2025.01.12 -
Watch "Valorant 2025.01.12 -" on Streamable.
I managed to capture it while in range so I turned on all the network related stats as you told me and started recording
it happens totally randomly, sometimes a game restart helps, sometimes it goes away within 10 seconds but can stay up to 5 minutes

network settings default, nothing changed

speedtest results
literally only happens in valorant
do win + r and type msinfo32 and show a screenshot of it

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download the drivers
Done, I will report back whether it is resolved or not. Thank you for your help so far!
@lyra [ping for reply] unfortunately the problems still presists
hmm unsure than
cuz from the video the problem is that your data is not being sent
for sum reason
i dunno tho