Ranked Gun Buddy Help
I hit ascendant 1 a couple of days ago and only played one more game afterwards, which was a loss. I didn't wanna play another won to not risk a de-rank that close before the episode ends. Am I gonna get an ascendant buddy or do I have to get a win in ascendant first?
22 Replies
you need at least one single win in your top 9 wins within one act to get the asc buddy
no asc buddy
no asc buddy
Not complete
You’ll get diamond
who are you talking to
Oh I thought that was his screenshot lol
The rankup already counted as the win
if it was a win, yes
if it was a draw but uprank due to performance bonus, no
Ahh okay
Thanks guys
Yeah I have a small green triangle
Hang on, imma send a screen because I'm still a bit scared lmao
yeah, thats an asc buddy
Okay thank you
Damn that was quick
had it ready :hehe_Giggle:
I was scared that I have to win another one and then derank😂😂
also just fyi, it doesnt matter if you derank now, the asc win will stay :OKAY:
You trusted in me, I appreciate it😤😤
Yeah I've heard, but I meant I was scared of a losing streak