Is this the diamond buddy/charm?
This is my first act playing valorant and I got diamond and i’m praying this is not the actual buddy. Because from what I saw before it wasn’t an actual circle, it was a diamond with just the episode in it. 😞
34 Replies
No thats not
oh ok thanks
bro did not just hit Diamond in his first act of playing val 🙏🏼
lol i did 😭😭
i was bronze
but it’s just bc i’m good at other games
like fort i was top 500 in the summer
and in r6 i was diamond before ranked 2.0
no that’s episode, I’m also diamond on Xbox and didn’t get a buddy
how do you go from diamond 1 to Bronze 3?
idk I'm confused how this works tbh
i didn’t lol
i went from bronze 3 or something to diamond
idk why it’s formated like that
isn’t the episode consist of 3 acts?
or am i bugging
it iks
but thats the epiosde buddy
ik and i got it all up in a month 😭😭
so in one act
like i said
You still rock 🎸
@p4rcs you should have gotten your diamond buddy now if you login <3
new ep is here
what rank did you end the ep with?
I ended with plat 3 but peaked diamond 1 act 2
Do u need to play a certain amount of games c
idk exactly how it works
maybe its because you ended the act as Plat
you get the buddy every act
its not episode
so each act ending will give you a new buddy
I still should’ve had a buddy
the buddies are per episode, and you need 9 wins in an act to get one
9wins in the peak ranks or just total 9 wins
just 9 wins
peak triangle if you got 9 wins in total gets you the buddy
9 wins act 2
Does this means I’m supposed to get one
I peaked diamond 1 but ended up plat 3
hell naw
i was wrong 😔
do you have at least one single purple triangle on top and 8 others below?
I’ll check home but roettt sure that I do
for a dia buddy you need 9+ wins and at least a single purple triangle on top
I’ll check when I’m home
Not to be discouraging or anything
But console is so much easier
like diamond in console might equal silver on PC
naw i know it is lol
but i’ve beat ascendant/immos so
i think i could be a lot better
but i just need to play more
bc pc is exponentially harder
play pc
i would but i’m in HS so I can’t spend time on val
can u play console then
bc im dojng IB, AP and DE classes
yea i am but it was only during this break
when i played