Email routing not available

I just registered through a new domain through Cloudflare with the intent of setting up email routing. I followed the documentation: I see no “Email” navigation item, either in any of the domain pages, the sidebar nav, or anywhere for that matter. How do I enable email routing?
Cloudflare Docs
Enable Email Routing · Cloudflare Email Routing docs
Email Routing is now enabled. You can add other custom addresses to your account.
3 Replies
misterpoppinsOP2mo ago
I think I figured it out. You do not go to Domain Registration > Manage Domain in the sidebar You have to go to home, then click on the domain, then go back to the sidebar and it is an entirely different navigational set. This is extremely confusing
Chaika2mo ago
You do not go to Domain Registration > Manage Domain in the sidebar
It might help to think of it as: Cloudflare is not a domain registrar first, Registrar is just an addon service it offers, and under Manage Domain/the registrar section is generally very limited actions directly relating to the Registrar Service Under Home/domain/ "Websites", is all the normal domain/cdn stuff that you can get with any domain using Cloudflare, Registrar or not, and thus all the typical services
misterpoppinsOP2mo ago
Yeah, I figured that out. It’s weird there isn’t an actual sidebar entry that isn’t “home.” I never even really knew that page existed actually, I spend all my time living in the other navigation tabs. It doesn’t help that doing this on mobile the interface is exceptionally squished

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