mfad2mo ago

How shoulder a longer jacket look when trying to maintain a 1/3rd to 2/3rd proportion?

Since I’m shorter, I’m trying to make myself look less short by getting shorter length top items that are 1/3rd my overall length and pants that cover the rest of the 2/3rds of my body. As a result, all of my jackets are about 1/3rd my overall length too. Should I just keep it this way ? Or is there some way I can get jackets that are longer without making myself look short? I’m asking because there’s an all saints sample sale coming up soon in my city and I think they may have all sorts of jackets of varying lengths. Just curious what’s a good look for me. Thanks.
4 Replies
Soup2mo ago
Honest advice is go to the sample sale and try stuff on If you like how it looks it's good
"miguel"2mo ago
depends on your torso/legs proportions and also how you style it no definitive answer
mattw2 (69.87ml/kg/min)
honestly, it's impossible to make yourself look less short as there's always some reference nearby that allows people to make a judgement - whether that's another person, a doorway, a car, a cabinet etc. You can absolutely do cool things with proporitions for their own sake though. High waisted trousers with long jackets is a look I really like on all sort of people! Search for theteenagegentleman in #waywt for some great examples. Wear stuff that you think makes you look good and fills you with confidence and let go of the idea you need to look less short, or that you're too short to dress in certain things, or that your height means you need to dress to some arcane rules.
andrewOP2mo ago
Duly noted, thanks everyone

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