Can you describe a bit more what this solution entails? Generating token upon login and sending to c

Can you describe a bit more what this solution entails? Generating token upon login and sending to client browser, then verifying when required? I found this which might help me
14 Replies
sathoro•2mo ago
large chunks of that seem to be taken up by software licenses lol "GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE" is mentioned 1,088 times it is cool they offer that though, smart 😄
kian•2mo ago
goodbye licenses
No description
sathoro•2mo ago
Aguilar•2mo ago
just curious is there anyone knows why preview builds on other branches not working? For example I pushed changes to some other branches other than "prod" and hoping it will take effect to build a preview like Pages does. for context, "prod" branch is not the default branch
No description
Isak•2mo ago
Can you use a * domain with workers when using static assets?
Aguilar•2mo ago
i don't think so. the defaults are not changeable
bkyerv•2mo ago
when attempting to create a worker using astro framework it proposes older version. is there way to configure version of the astro used for the worker? Need to install the following packages: [email protected] Ok to proceed? (y) y
Isaac McFadyen
Isaac McFadyen•2mo ago
The create-astro might be older but I expect it'll still init a new version of Astro? Might have to try and see.
bkyerv•2mo ago
you are right - while the label in cli was 4. something teh actual version installed is 5. something
Mathis @
Mathis @•2mo ago
Is it possible to call from a worker exposed on a subdomain another subdomain using fetch? I have the following use-case: worker on calls a service on, domain is managed by cloudflare. Currentlty I receive 521 errors and I don't know how to figure out this, since it's working locally
Chaika•2mo ago
not on the same underlying zone/domain, use service bindings
Mathis @
Mathis @•2mo ago
Only is running on cloudflare in my case is on another provider Just DNS binding is managed by Cloudflare
Chaika•2mo ago
ah opps the worker to worker case wouldn't be a 521 anyway. so your worker is fetching another subdomain? If the other subdomain is unproxied, it's worth noting the worker fetch request goes through the full cdn pipeline as if it was proxied. A Common issue is your SSL/TLS Mode (under SSL/TLS -> Overview) is Flexible, so the Worker's trying to connect to your origin over http/80 and your origin only supports https/443, need full or full (strict). Otherwise 521 is a generic connection refused (could be firewall/etc). I assume it works fine not through the worker

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