Thread for Generation Issues (To keep
Thread for Generation Issues (To keep nice and contained)
1 Reply
1. we are seeing in generation is the
looks like this:
Where AsSpan requires a length argument which isn't supplied
TerraFX has the following:
There are a few other cases like this where a length variable does exist but isn't named clearly (NumberEntries or some such), likely leading to a similar scenario of the generator not knowing what to do. TerraFX in each of these cases has an appropriate value filled.
2.An example of a class where the IID was missing with generation:
Out of curiosity is the MIDL_INTERFACE not something you can pull from clang? as all the IIDs I had to add had this, which does expand to
struct __declspec(uuid("80b47b17-ec8b-5653-850b-7508a01f52e7")) __declspec(novtable)
3. There is a couple functions (in Windows\shared\ws2ipdef\Windows.gen.cs) which generate like this
Byte is _Byte_e__FixedBuffer but Fill expects a void*
TerraFX has the following:
This is a valid solution for the instances in Silk as well, not sure what is happening here.
4. We have some ambiguous cref in generated comments
Anytime there are two overrides with the same name we get this issue