Valorant freezes and locks up PC entirely.
Hey all! This has been happening for a long time and it keeps getting more frequent. I have my graphics on the lowest setting possible and the game runs fine, no stuttering or anything. Ill be mid game though and everything will just freeze up, the audio will go out crazy and everything. I cant alt f4, i cant press the windows key, i cant open the task manager, the literal only thing I can do is a force power down of my pc by holding the power button for like 5 seconds. I disabled full screen optimization, it launches as admin, but it still happens. It literally only happens with Val. I can play fortnite, dead by daylight, overwatch, etc just fine and even on higher graphics and nothing wrong happens. It's just Valorant. What do I do?
17 Replies
Open task manager
Show ss
with valorant open?
ah okay
show ss of what exactly? i dont wanna show my ip or anything
I would also like to point out that I know my gpu sucks, but this happened a lot on my gaming laptop and the constant crashing made my hard drive fail. My laptop had a 3080 in it
A laptop with a 3080 and an hdd don't go along too well uk
Search for power settings in windows search
Open it
Show ss
it had an ssd
Search for power options in control panel
Then choose what the power buttons do
okay?? how is this gonna fix my crashing issue
Change settings that are currently unavailable
Uncheck "turn on fast startup"
Save changes
Restart ur pc
Try the game
May i ask how this would fix it? I just dunno how it works. If it fixes it then thats awesome i just wanna know why fast startup would be bad
So any updates?
Oh yep! It fixed it. Thanks for the help
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