Cant add bazzite fpr dual boot
So im trying to add bazzite to my allyx and it wont do it on 8tb or 4tb ,
I get errors on both attempt
1 on installation destination says (error checking storage configuration
And when i tried manual partition i get errors
Is there issues with new updates or can i do it another way ?
Any help will be great
See pics on errors
8 Replies

Are you following our dual boot tutorial?
Dual Boot Preliminary and Post-Installation Setup Guide - Bazzite D...
Bazzite is a custom image built upon Fedora Atomic Desktops that brings the best of Linux gaming to all of your devices.
I think I know what's going on here.
Are you trying to share an NTFS partition with Bazzite?
And not assign the rest of the drive to Bazzite?
Bazzite only supports Ext4 and Btrfs. Sharing an NTFS partition with Windows will not work.
You have to follow the dual boot guide to the letter
You can't do it differently
@Skitt21499 show me what you're trying to do when creating custom partitions.
Hey thanks for all the help ,
I decided to do another recovery again and this time i didnt do any windows update / asus and army crate and it worked
So its the recent updates from windows or the other two interfere with dual boot
Awesome. Good luck 🙂