mfad2mo ago

How to pose for photos other people are taking of you?

Basically, whenever I’m at an event or party and someone else takes a photo of me, I look like shit. Either looking too stiff, or eyes too open, or just … weird. Is there a mini guide, tips, guidelines for this sort of thing ?
7 Replies
One of the best lessons I learned as I’ve gotten older is that if someone is taking a pic of you that’s unplanned—don’t bother worrying about posing, etc. Have fun and get your picture taken. If you’re constantly worrying about how you’re gonna look you’re not gonna have any fun. There’s plenty of resources for how to take your own pic, or how to pose for a planned picture (most of which comes down to being relaxed) but if the pic is just like…a random party pic? Dawg, just be in the moment, have fun with your friends, and don’t stress about it. And that may very well fix the issue tbh Also you might just look weird, and that’s okay too
mattw22mo ago
For every 1 photo taken of you unposed you must accept there will be 500 bad ones.
carrion2mo ago
Casual group photos are 0% about how I look and 100% about the moment. If it's a rare business-centric group photo then I just lean on the things I've learned for selfshooting. Relaxing face muscles, posture check, etc. But it's never really like, a deep process.
NotDisliked2mo ago
Yeah I was gonna say if you're particularly struggling with posed shots, like group or family shots, I gained a shit ton of confidence in how I come across in those by just taking my fit pics which require me to pose. it's a thing you definitely can practice, and should if you're uncomfortable. for unposed or spontaneous shots, agree with everything warp wrote up, own the spontaneity. even if it looks a lil weird that's part of the charm.
zeometer2mo ago
so much of my best pics are spontaneous, and i find trying to bottle that up leads me to be more self-conscious or critical as ND and others said the best thing is to get your picture taken more often to remove that buffer. i find thinking of something positive or goofy helps, but that's a personal preference
jman1002mo ago
I’m not sure if I can post outside links but photographer david suh has a video on posing on youtube in which he talks about “sizzling” when you take the photo. I’d recommend watching the entire thing and it personally has changed how I view taking pictures altogether
sorrynodice2mo ago
I've found it makes a huge difference to do a lil laugh instead of smiling for a posed photo. I look way less wooden. Also fix up your hair.

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