How much Does valorant support team does it take to answer tickets
its been 6 days literally a week i lost my account i got kicked out from my account no reason i didnt even got no notifications from my mail i sended a ticket still no answer i rlly need my account back tho i have like few skins in there + my accounts mail got changed name too
8 Replies
Did u receive a mail when u first made the ticket with support?
yea i did
telling me just to wait but its been a week
Can you screenshot the message?
its in turkish u wouldnt understand
Google translate is a thing uk
Your ticket number has reached us and we will respond to you as soon as possible.
While you are waiting, please do not send a ticket again on the same subject, because when you do this, your ticket falls back to the back rows again as if it were a newly sent ticket and may extend your waiting time.
If you cannot access the support account, continue to stay in touch via this e-mail. Thank you very much for your patience
its this
i didnt send some stuff its important
Well if that's the last message you received, you pretty much have to wait
nothing much you can do
Ok then