Can't get VRR to work on my Desktop build

Hey guys, trying to get vrr working on my build, know the tv and cables etc are fine as it works in windows but can't see any options in the desktop mode display settings to enable/disable and in the performance overlay enable VRR is always greyed out with the notification Display is not VRR compatible. My cpu is 5800x3d Gpu is rsdeon 7900 xt
12 Replies
What Desktop Environment do you have installed? I'm not sure if GNOME fully supports VRR yet
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo2mo ago
It does
Oh, good then. Since v47? I thought it was experimental in v46 if I recall it correctly
jimmyapageOP2mo ago
I'm on KDe and connected to my pc via a hdmi lead both gpu and tv are hdmi 2.1
matt_schwartz2mo ago
hdmi 2.1 doesnt work with amd on linux
HDMI Forum Rejects Open-Source HDMI 2.1 Driver Support Sought By AMD
One of the limitations of AMD's open-source Linux graphics driver has been the inability to implement HDMI 2.1+ functionality on the basis of legal requirements by the HDMI Forum
matt_schwartz2mo ago
vrr might work if you lower the resolution a bit or disable hdr if you have it enabled but it will be hdmi 2.0b
jimmyapageOP2mo ago
So if I use a hdmi 2.1 to display port adapter I should be able to get it to work?
δDD2mo ago
displayport is your best friend your solution might work? make sure of it by reading reviews of the cable/adapters you're buying (I assume your computer has displayport output(s))
jimmyapageOP2mo ago
Yeah it's a 7900 xt so have some displayport 2 ports i believe I've found a reddit post so will order the one from on there and update here
δDD2mo ago
alright 👍 keep us updated
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo2mo ago
It must be an active adapter Just make sure it is before you buy
jimmyapageOP2mo ago
So I've got the cable matters cable that everyone said works, in windows it has vrr but still no option in bazzite I'm now using the displayport 1 output of my gpu and being a 7900 xt that's displayport 2.1 With the other display port to hdmi i used before there was no VRR in windows either so i think im on the right steps here So no joy, tried a few things I've found in forums and had a chat with chatgpt but whatever I try can't get VRR to enable is there a way to force a VRR flag on my TV in the OS so that i can test?

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